Thursday, 21 March 2019

5 simple evening and bedtime practices via @MaryMorrissey

Mary Morrissey shares 5 simple evening and bedtime practices, habits, and routines for feeling happy and grateful every night and every morning.

Do YOU have an evening routine you use to help you sleep and feel your best? If so, go ahead and share in the comments section below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Practice gratitude on a regular basis, and you’ll be surprised just how quickly more and more things you can be grateful for begin showing up in your life… including more financial prosperity, career and business opportunities, positively-charged people and more!


How Close Are You To Achieving Your Dreams? Get a clear picture of your progress on the journey to the life of your dreams with Mary Morrissey’s DreamBuilder Assessment.I have a free gift for you!

⬇ Get It Here ⬇


I’m often asked, "Mary, what's your morning routine? What's your evening routine?" These questions come from my friends, coaching clients and audience members during live events. I determined years ago that establishing a bedtime routine helps me fall asleep more easily, as well as supports me in feeling grateful, happier and more fulfilled throughout the day. And, it's easier than you might think! Incorporating these five practices into my evening has made a huge difference in every area of my life. By sharing them, my hope is that maybe they will for you, too. 1) I ask myself, “Who do I want to be today?” 2) I practice gratitude. 3) I review my day. 4) I use the “pruning shears of revision.” 5) I remind myself that there's a power in me that's greater than anything that comes my way.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

4 Steps to Turn Your Passions into a Career | Brian Tracy via @BrianTracy

Most of us need to work and make a living for ourselves. Everyone has bills to pay every month. But why not turn your passions, what you love, into a job? They say if you do what you love you will never 'work' a day in your life. I'll give you 4 tips in this video for achieving this.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Change YOUR Perspective and Live YOUR Success | Bert Jacobs | Goalcast - #InspiringSpeech #BertJacobs #ChangeYourLife

An Inspiring Speech About Optimism, Overcoming Obstacles and Creating Your Own Happiness
“Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so. If you assume there is an instinct for freedom, there are opportunities to change things, there’s a chance you may contribute to making a better world. The choice is yours.”

Noam Chomsky 

One of the Anxious Statements I Hear Every Week

By Sheryl Paul, M.A.

One of the blessings of listening to the inner worlds of my global audience is that I hear about the thoughts, feelings, questions, and stories that are archetypal to all human beings.

I’ve written extensively about the various intrusive thoughts that enter my virtual office, but there are other stories that tiptoe into the arena as well: stories about worthiness, stories about shame, stories about social fears and questions.

There has been one in particular lately that has been calling for attention, and whenever that happens I know I need write about it here.

Whether talking about relationship anxiety, parenting styles, socializing, health choices, or work, I hear my clients and course members say several times a week, “I don’t fit in. I don’t belong. I feel like an outsider. Sometimes I feel like an alien.”

When I inquire further it becomes clear that this feeling isn’t specific to adult life but has been a theme since childhood. As one client shared from his journal:

Self: Where did you learn that you don’t fit in? Can you help me understand this?

Young self: Growing up. I remember feeling let down by friends. Always feeling like a bit of an outsider even though I hung out in a “cool” group. I didn’t like drinking, I didn’t like smoking. I constantly remember feeling so awkward and out of place at parties in high school. Girls wouldn’t pay attention to me.

I would always get hell for not drinking. I remember thinking how girls would always like my friends way more than me. Some of the girls we would hang out with didn’t even acknowledge me. I still feel that is the case to this day.

Sound familiar? If so, you’re in good company. I’ll elucidate with a story.

For those of you following my Instagram feed, you know that I just returned from three days in Albuquerque, New Mexico where I attended the American Booksellers Association Winter Institute.

My publisher, Sounds True, sent me and another author (the amazing Mirabai Starr, who became an instant soul-friend and shared a photo with me for our Instagram feeds) to the event to meet with independent booksellers across the country and discuss our forthcoming books: The Wisdom of Anxiety (May 2019) and Wild Mercy (April 2019).

These were not the Amazon and Barnes and Noble sales reps. Rather, these were the anti-blockbuster booksellers who are keeping the gems of independent bookstores alive across the country. An anti-establishment, out-of-the-box crew, to say the least.

There were over a thousand booksellers in the conference room at the Albuquerque Convention Center with authors seated at tables around the perimeter, and before the event started I turned to Mirabai and said, “I wonder what percentage of people in this room are introverts and are counting the minutes until they can get back to their hotel rooms.”

She laughed, knowingly. We had been talking all day about topics like introversion and personality types (we’re both introverts), the Enneagram (we’re both fours), and how we both love meeting like-minded people in new locations but also how essential it is to have downtime interspersed throughout these busy days. (I realize, of course, that not all of you reading this are introverts. But

I suspect that you grew up feeling outside the box in some way, if only because you struggled with anxious thoughts or a level of worry that you didn’t think others had.) As I looked around the room, I saw a bunch of people who I would bet money grew up feeling like they didn’t fit in.

And I loved all of them. I loved their awkward gaits and mismatched clothes. I loved their unkempt hair and pointy glasses. I loved the man’s shirt that read, “Books were invented so that introverts don’t have to socialize.” I loved the shy, soft-spoken woman who bee-lined over to me before the event began to say, “I’m not a bookseller – I’m a children’s book publisher – but I heard about your book and I had to meet you.

I struggle with anxiety every day. I need your book!” I loved the two young women in the 20s who were working at the event as caterers and cornered me after most people had left to ask if they could please have copies even though they were told not to speak with the authors.

After they shared a bit about their anxiety, they melted my heart and of course I loaded them with books.

These were my people. Sensitive, analytical, anxious people who never feel like they fit in.

But here’s the thing: I’m not sure anyone felt like they belonged during the growing up years, and I’m not sure anyone feels like they really belong now. It’s not your fault.

And it’s not even necessarily because you’re on the sensitive-creative-anxious spectrum (although I have no doubt that your personality type exacerbates the feelings of not fitting in).

The truth is that our culture doesn’t foster a sense of belonging. We’re raised in the isolation box of our families, in neighborhoods where, even if you do know your neighbors, people don’t really share the vulnerability of their lives.

When clients struggling with relationship anxiety say to me, “It seems like that couple are madly in love all the time and have the chemistry that I long for,” I say, “You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors.”

Unless you live with someone or have a transparent friendship where you share the details of your challenges and triumphs, you simply don’t know the reality of anyone else’s life.

Hopefully, through reading my blog over the years, you know that you’re not alone. Hopefully, as we shed light on hidden topics and expose myths and taboos week after week, you know that there’s nothing wrong with you.

 And hopefully you know that you do belong: with your partner and your friends who see you and love you, on this great blue-green planet where everyone – every, single person – struggles in some way, and here on this blog with people who understand you and share your particular brand of anxiety.

You belong. You fit in. And I’m so glad you’re here.

How does the story that you don’t fit in or belong show up in your life? What are your first memories of feeling like you didn’t fit in? Share in the comments below.

Author's Bio: 
Sheryl Paul, M.A., has counseled thousands of people worldwide through her private practice, her bestselling books, her e-courses and her website. She has appeared several times on "The Oprah Winfrey Show", as well as on "Good Morning America" and other top media shows and publications around the globe.

Spurce -

Friday, 15 March 2019

Sneaky Ways Sources of Stress and Anxiety Can Hide in Plain Sight

We all know that stress is a major issue that has a significant impact on our overall health and well-being, but we are often at a loss as to how to fix it. In some cases, we may not even understand that some of our biggest health issues are actually symptoms of stress.

For instance, one symptom of stress is overeating. If you keep trying to lose weight, but just can’t seem to keep it off, the real problem might not be your diet, but your stress levels. Here are 5 other sneaky ways stress and anxiety can impact your health.

The exact cause of migraine headaches is unknown and can be different for everyone. That being said, there are still a limited number of causes of migraines and stress is definitely high on the list.

While the fear of an approaching lion may not seem the same as the fear of losing our jobs, homes or loved ones, our body responds to them the same way.

What we call “stress” is actually a type of fear, which activates our fear response; sometimes known as the “fight or flight response.” It’s awfully hard to sleep when your body is preparing to flee or fight.

Back Pain
One of the many things that an activated fear response does is cause your muscles to tense up in preparation to flee or fight.

When you are under constant stress, your muscles are also constantly tense. Your spine is held in place by an intricate series of muscles and tendons.

Constant tension can cause stress-related back pain.

 While you should definitely work to minimize the sources of your stress, seeing a chiropractor regularly can help minimize the damage of stress to your spine.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Cortisol is a hormone which shuts down your digestive system and adrenaline gives you a boost of energy when your fear response is activated.

Living with chronic stress means your body is constantly producing and secreting these two hormones.

Over time this can severely interfere with your digestive processes, which can lead to severe gastrointestinal issues.

If left untreated, they can even develop into more serious issues such as ulcers, chronic heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease or even irritable bowel syndrome.

There is almost no end to the list of physical and medical problems that stress can cause. It doesn’t do a whole lot of good to keep treating the issues stress causes, without dealing with the cause of stress.

Without dealing with the underlying causes of stress, your health issues will only continue to deteriorate.


Thursday, 14 March 2019

Define Your Purpose Double Trouble @DrDemartini

Listen as Dr Demartini explains how you can find your purpose. It is all about values. Everyone has a set of values, or things that are important to them, which we can determine by observing the actions we take. Values are like fingerprints. No two people have the same set of values and no ones values are right or wrong. What is most important to you is where you will be most focused, structured, energetic and interested. Your purpose is driven by your values. When you recognize and take action according to your values, you will expand and empower your life and find a way to make an income aligned with your purpose.

Overcoming Fear And Taking Action
With Human Behaviour Expert Dr John Demartini

Evening Talk

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Tips on Managing Anxiety

By Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP

Anxiety is the second most common form of mental health disorder, next to depression. In many cases, though, depressed individuals also struggle with anxiety and many anxious people frequently feel depressed. It is estimated 20 million persons in the US regularly deal with anxiety.
Anxiety often is described as a feeling of tension and/or fear. Some of my patients report it is like “an impending sense of doom.”

Anxiety can cause distinct physical effects: hyperventilation, difficulty catching your breath, nausea, and dizziness. When extreme, anxiety can lead to a “panic attack,” often characterized as a “flood of tension,” which can cause the individual to believe they are dying. Most visits to the emergency room are by individuals thinking they are having a heart attack when, in fact, they are experiencing a panic attack. For that matter, half the visits to the general practitioner, it has been suggested, are due to depression and/or anxiety.

Anxiety has several different forms: A general feeling of on-going anxiety, named generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, is often based on the fear of failure.

Phobias are intense specific fears; the most common are agoraphobia (fear of public places) and the fear of public speaking.

Social anxiety is the discomfort and fear of meeting and interacting with people.

 Again, the concern of not being good enough is paramount. Obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, is also a type of anxiety disorder in which the individual regularly thinks a particular thought (obsesses) and frequently acts upon that thought (compulsivity), all in the effort to control their tension and anxiety.

Anxiety can be debilitating. It can interfere with working, education, loving, communicating, and recreating. What can be done?

The Medical Approach

The most popular form of anxiety treatment today is medication—psychopharmacology. Tranquilizers, like Klonopin and Xanax, can provide immediate, short-term relief.

Long- term use of tranquilizers, though, are dangerous because these medications build a tolerance (keep needing more drug for the same effect) and are addicting.

Long-term pharmacological treatment for anxiety involves antidepressants, such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro, Effexor, Celexa, Cymbalta, etc.

These medications take a few weeks to become therapeutic but do not develop a tolerance and are not considered addictive. (It is recommended, however, that if one has been on an antidepressant for awhile, they should not abruptly stop the medication but taper off from it.) This medical approach to treating anxiety typically consists of a prescription for a tranquilizer for 30 days along with a prescription for an antidepressant.

Thus, the tranquilizer can provide the immediate relief and after about a month the antidepressant should “kick in” and the tranquilizer can be discontinued or just used in rare high-anxiety moments.

Research indicates nearly 85% of these treatment programs are implemented by primary care physicians, not psychiatrists.

The Psychological Approach

1. Think right. In the above description of anxiety several times the words “fear,” “fear of failure,” and “fear of not measuring up” were used. Freud said a century or so ago that depressed people rue the past and anxious individuals fear the future.

These notions represent thoughts.

Cognitive psychology purports that thoughts determine our feelings. If someone thinks something will hurt them or they anticipate failure or embarrassment, how would you expect that person to feel? Anxious, of course. Therefore, much of the anxiety plaguing millions of people daily is the result of negative thinking: “What if ____ happens? What if I fail? This could be bad!? What if he/she doesn’t like me or rejects me? This could be the worst possible thing!” etc. I refer to this kind of cognition as “stinkin thinkin.”

While caution is appropriate in some situations (you won’t catch me skydiving, for example) over-cautious thinking creates feelings of anxiety and inhibits people. Daily life is a risk; we must come to accept it. If we can learn to “talk to ourselves” (think) in a supportive, modulated way, we can learn to manage our feelings, mood, and our anxiety.

I regularly ask patients these questions to help them begin the process of dismantling their negative thinking: “Will I read about this in the newspaper? Will this be a big deal 24 hours from now? Who won the Super Bowl last year? (It was a huge deal then but now not so much.) Haven’t you already gone through something much worse—and survived?”

2. Exercise. The research is clear. Exercise is an excellent, natural, healthy way to combat anxiety. Numerous studies have shown that a regular exercise program, high in aerobics, can be as effective a treatment for anxiety as is drug therapy. Twenty minutes of aerobics (in your “training zone”) three to four times a week will be productive. Brisk walking, jogging, biking, riding a stationary bike, or using any of the aerobic machines will work.

3. Relaxation training. Relaxation methods can also be helpful in managing anxietyLearning the techniques of proper breathing, progressive muscular tension and release, autogenics, and meditation, are excellent aids in coping with anxiety.

4. “Baby steps.” Behavioral psychologists like to say, “The best way to deal with anxiety is to go through it.” Using a behavioral technique known as systematic desensitization,

I help phobic and fearful individuals face their fear by having them take “baby steps” through their fear. For example, I will prescribe that an agoraphobic simply walk to the mailbox and back once each day for three to four days. When that is accomplished they next would walk to the corner and back for another three or four days, followed by walking around the block, etc. Practicing relaxation techniques before they take their baby steps will facilitate the process.
By using these various approaches, medical and psychological—individually or in combination—anxiety can be successfully managed.

Source :

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

How to Calm Down When Panicking : Psychology & Mental Health

When you begin to panic, one of the most important things you need to do is calm yourself down. Find out how to calm down when panicking with help from a licensed marriage and family therapist in this free video clip. Expert: Roberta Marowitz Filmmaker: Andrew Stickel Series Description: Whether you're dealing with stress, nervousness or just want to help a spouse who is dealing with grief, each and everyone one of us could use a little help in these areas every now and again. Get tips on psychology and learn how to work in a variety of different situations with help from a licensed marriage and family therapist in this free video series.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Worry, Stress… and Pulling Yourself Together!

Increasingly, I find myself talking to people who, until the pull themselves together, live in fear of the future. We might casually call it "worry" - we might even label it stress. But all it is is unchecked useless thought.

"All it is" is slightly misleading - because this fear keeps people awake at night - and recent research has firmly established that just one night's disrupted sleep results in a build-up of the proteins associated with dementia on the neural pathways' synapses - as a client said to me recently "Well, all you've done now is given me something more to worry about at four in the morning!"

I should, of course, mention that a subsequent good night's sleep will clean out the synapses but regular disrupted sleep is very bad indeed for your long-term mental health. 

And worry and stress are conclusively bad for your digestive and immune systems but, most 
importantly, your cardio-vascular system. The point is, that fear will get you one way or another!

That is, of course, unless you pull yourself together and do something about it. This is good news indeed, because you can do all you need to do to simply not just stop fear in its tracks but cut the legs right from under it.

All you need to do is turn your mind away from the useless thoughts that lead us down a blind-alley. You don't fight the fear - there's no point in shadow-boxing something that isn't there! You don't even give it the time of day!

You simply take the time and make the choice to experience the here and now, just as it is here and now… this is the essence of mindfulness.

In the here and now, freed from our own repetitive and ruminate thought, all is well unless, of course, you're being chased by a hungry tiger... which is why we were wired this way in the first place! Fix your wiring.


Dr. Tamara Russell introduces her work as a Clinical Psychologist and her book, Mindfulness in Motion

I had the pleasure to speak to Dr Tamara Russell at a talk in Queen Mary University.

This is when I didn't not anything about Mindfulness. I did not realise that this makes a physical change in the brain which research to back it up.

Tamara Russell is the author of What is Mindfulness? Due to the recent widespread media coverage on the far-reaching health benefits of mindfulness, misconceptions about the practice have become common as it has moved from spiritual to secular realms. Tamara Russell’s What Is Mindfullness? aims to demystify the confusions that often get in the way of mindfulness training, and help readers get to grips with it in a way they can put to optimal use in their daily lives. Dr Tamara Russell is an experienced clinical psychologist, martial artist and neuroscientist who brings a unique, multiple perspective to mindfulness teaching, thinking, therapy and research.


Postpone Procrastination Indefinitely

By: Sandra Baptist

We've all done it at some time or other. We put off our exercise routine until tomorrow; we continually delay finishing that project or starting that business.

Procrastination is the mother of all demons and can literally stop you in your tracks from achieving all that you desire.

Sandra Baptist provides you with 5 effective processes you can use to slay this giant.

1. Do it now
Hold your breath and jump right in! Putting things off until the last minute is a bad habit and like all habits is ingrained in our subconscious mind and hard to break. It feels like the normal thing to do and we simply continue along our path. To complete a task immediately may even feel strange or like a forced action.

When your boss gives you a task or when your clients or customers request your expertise, do it right away!

You not only look well-organized to others, the feeling that the job is done, is complete before the deadline, will be one of relief and gratitude.

How would this efficiency look to your customers when you request a referral or to your boss when salary reviews are approaching? I would think, "Great".

2. Take baby steps
Sometimes we procrastinate because the task may be intimidating to us. Perhaps we have no possible inkling on where to start.

In these cases, it is quite fine to take it one step at a time.

Say you are preparing a business plan and for the 5th time this week, you've turn on the PC and looked at the blank screen. Or you've just remembered you need to do some more research before you begin... you're still not ready.

My friend you ARE ready.

You simply need to break down the project into smaller pieces and tackle each bit separately. Make each task an individual project and after completion of each one, celebrate and acknowledge your achievement.

Soon you'll be finished and have no idea why you were putting it off in the first place!

3. Vision the perfect 
Ah! I love this one. I use the Law of Attraction with my clients to have them easily and effortlessly achieve their dreams and desires and in effect, their vision.

Once you are aware that you are in fact procrastinating, creating a vision of you achieving the perfect plan is extremely helpful. When you create a vision you write in the present tense... as if you have already achieved your goal or if you are in the process of completing it.

For example, we go back to the business plan. Your vision may look something like this.

"I am so grateful that I have completed all the research I need for my business plan. I am finding the information easily using the internet. People that have written business plans are offering me advice that allows me to create an exciting plan that I resonate with. As I write, the words come to me effortlessly... ."

In creating a vision and focusing on it daily, the universal laws state that things, people, processes will begin to occur in your life that will allow you to attract that vision.

4. Forget it
Why force the issue? If you have been 'dragging your feet' on something for a very long time, it may all be for the best.

Something, somewhere is trying to tell you something. That something is your intuition and it is usually right!

Think about something that you have been putting off again and again and again. What are the reasons that you need to complete this task in the first place? Does someone want you to do this? What is THEIR agenda? What are YOUR reasons for this lengthy delay?

I find it amazing that 99% of the time I put off doing something, I am thankful that I did! Disregarding a project after a long period of procrastination is however usually a last resort.

5. Support team
Do you put off tasks because you feel that there are too big and complex for you to handle alone? Or because you need assistance? Be honest with yourself. "No man is an island".

Ask for help! There are many resources out there that can provide you with all you need to carry out your job.

If you're a solo-professional and you put off answering emails, then don't answer them yourself. Hire an assistant, find some college students that want experience, get a family member to help.

Procrastinating on life changing activities could be as a result of fear of the unknown. Get a mastermind group together, find a mentor or a coach, join a support group in your area or online.

You don't have to do it all by yourself. Just ensure that to kick this habit; do what feels good to you in whatever method you choose. You'll surely postpone procrastination for a very long time.

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Sunday, 10 March 2019

What is Mindfulness from SHARP @ SLAM

Do I Have an Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety Symptoms and Treatment

In any form of illness, it is necessary for you to know the possible causes. However, not all causes are identified today.

There are some conditions that have various causes and this is why pinpointing the factors that have caused the condition may not be easy. There can be more series of tests that needs to be done. This is applicable to those who have anxiety attack.

 Thus, if you want to cure the condition, you may want to watch out for the anxiety disorder symptoms rather than the cause.

What can you do to stop constant anxiety and fear? Is it possible to stop panic attacks without medication?

To learn the killer, advanced methods to stop fears, phobias and anxieties, simply click here!
When you know the symptoms, you will be able to have time to prepare yourself for the possible cure.

Also, you will know your situation and you can avoid getting to a more dangerous state. The length of an attack varies but when you are able to prepare yourself and the medicines that you can take, this can lessen the possible length of the attack.

Anxiety disorder symptoms include the situation when a person feels hard breathing. This can be an annoying situation since you don't have a full control of yourself. But you should fight and try thinking more positively.

 Calming down would counter attack your anxiety which can lessen the bad effects of the situation. The attack is characterized by a sudden change in intense emotion which can happen within a short period of time.

This is a form of disorder wherein it is not really a life threatening. However, you should consider that this may disable you because of your intense thoughts.

You should still avoid it especially because it can turn more serious if you do not cure it.

Depression is another health condition that is connected with anxiety attacks. You will still be unhealthy when you let this go on so you should take part in changing what you feel during the start of the attack.

When you feel an increase in your heartbeat, palpitation, irregular breathing, coldness, dizziness, abdominal discomfort and losing control of your body, you are having an attack. These are the common signs for those who are having an anxiety attack.

If this happens to you, your thinking may be clouded that you feel that there is an impending danger that may happen to you when in fact, there is none. You have to think more clearly and feel that you are not in danger. You have to assess your actual situation and avoid generalizing or assuming danger.

Think more of the positive thoughts as this would help you calm down and feel less uneasy. Your body can respond to your thoughts so you have to remember that you can have a control of your thoughts if you start doing so.

The anxiety disorder symptoms happen because your thoughts are disrupted. Your natural decision making process is also clouded but you have to remember not to get too much affected by the situation.

 Once you feel the signs, you should now try to divert your attention to better thoughts so that you can avoid having the attacks.

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover practical methods to get through frightening panic attacks and eliminate anxiety in a safe, effective, and natural way... and rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks permanently! You won't find out about this anywhere else. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here!

Most of the people will feel anxious when they need to give a speech or presentation to a group of people in front of them.

 It is normal, as this is not something that we do everyday. We will tend to feel nervous and worries about our performance skill and appearance and the reaction and reception by the people.

Here are some tips for the beginner on how to overcome social anxiety.

Humor- To make the ambiance more relax instead of tense and the breathing and focus should be able to go a lot better, feel less nervous, which enable you to perform to the best of your ability.
Visualize- You can visualize a peaceful situation during your speech or presentation, where you work from a comfortable place, to help overcome social anxiety.

Breathe- take a deep breath before you start your presentation or speech. Check your appearance and ensure you have your notes with you. Breathing helps to ease off your anxiety and clear your mind.

Stay focus- focusing on the tasks on hand but nothing else. You will not see what is around you when you are concentrating on the tasks that you are doing.

Keep practicing- practice makes perfect, just keep practicing and rehearsing your speech or presentation. It will build up your confidence and you able to performance it even better. 

Have a bite of chocolate, it somehow helps to reduce our stress level and feel less nervous.

Abovementioned tips are very effective to overcome social anxiety, give speech and presentation with confidence.

You can't breathe, your thoughts are racing, and you might even feel like you're having a heart attack. You've tried medication, but it's not working like it used to--or it never worked at all. You can't stand the anxiety and panic any more, and you want a solution that works: Click Here

Finally... Easy natural anxiety remedies & simple ways to eliminate your chest-crushing anxiety and get your life back... Visit How to Get Rid of Anxiety

Anxiety is a common situation for many people. This is still considered normal but you should avoid getting your condition to change into a more complication one. There are times when anxiety attacks affect a person too much and this is what you should avoid.

Dealing with anxiety can be in any form as long as you can lessen the length and intensity of the attacks. It may be helpful for you to know the causes of the attack so that you can avoid these circumstances to happen again.

However, you should know that the causes of anxiety can differ from one person to another. Thus, you have to think of other ways to improve your situation. It would be best to educate yourself about the disorder and its signs.

When you know the signs, you will know right away when you are already having an attack.

You can prepare yourself and find solution to your problems.

Moreover, you should also remember that you have to seek medical help. When you are dealing with anxiety you have to know your medical condition. There are many specialists who can help you out. You just have to seek for the right kind of expert, one that can provide you with the modern methods of treatment and help you find the ways that can minimize the attacks.

You should also remember that depression and stress are related to anxiety. Thus, you also have to avoid getting too much bothered about many things. You should consider the positive thoughts as this would help you relax and avoid thinking too much.

A person who is having an anxiety attack is one who thinks that there is danger that will happen to him.

However, the actual situation shows that there is none. Thus, you have to think more clearly and avoid generalizing or assuming situations to happen. You have to weigh your situation in a more practical manner and remember that you are safe.

Your mind is affected and this is shown in the way that your body moves. You have to think that these physical attributes of your situation should be avoided since you may feel that you are limited by these attacks.

It can affect your work or anything that you do so you should remember not to let it get into your life too much.

Dealing with anxiety would be easier if you have others supporting you. The doctor may be a big help as he would know the medical thing to do. However, it would also be helpful if your family and friends are there for you. It would be easier to feel comfortable with the people that you know.

You will have to tell them your situation so that they would understand your actions. If other people know what is really happening, then they would know why it is happening to you so they may be able to help you in diverting your attention to more positive thoughts.

Thus, you will be able to feel better and find solution to your disorder.

If You're Ready to Finally Wave Goodbye to Anxiety – that anxiety and dread that looms over you from the moment you wake... those nagging worries of what could happen to you or your loved ones... those stressful situations which send your brain into overdrive even when you just want to unwind – all those things that hold you back from a more relaxed happier life – Then Click Here to quash anxiety, once and for all – without side effects or costly ineffective therapy.

There are plenty of options to look at if it's clear you need a social anxiety treatment. Social Anxiety is not something that should have a stigma attached to it, as it's one of the most common anxieties or phobias treated by the medical and psychiatric professions.

So what options are there for social anxiety treatment? They broadly fall into the categories of self-help, some form of drugs, or counselling - or a mix of all of these.

Self-help can vary from very simple things to deal with sweating, or trembling hands, to the far more complex.

While its very difficult to address the real underlying causes of anxiety through this method you can learn significant techniques to counter the worst symptoms of social phobia. The most effective can be learning to control your breathing through deep, steady, breaths from the diaphragm, which helps lower the heart rate.

Being diagnosed with social phobia can also lead to a course of drugs or anti-depressants. These can be effective, but some people have reported feeling of detachment, plus other side effects.

While some people are quite happy on prescribed medication and feel the benefits, others are less convinced. The problem is you can never be quite certain as to how any one person will react. It might take several goes at dosage or type of drug to get things right.

While nothing is 100 percent certain in social anxiety treatment, the most successful strategy seems to be undergoing some form of therapy, either face to face, or on-line. Cognitive behavioural therapy gradually looks to challenge the underlying reasons for social anxiety, the eternal fear of judgement by others, and try and attack them.

Whether it is a live or on-line treatment, if you can grasp this then you have a chance of making a breakthrough.

The key point is once the brain is working at an instinctive level, then reason will lose. So an effective social anxiety treatment has to gnaw away at your basic fears to provide long lasting benefits.

Former severe anxiety sufferer reveals the only holistic system that will show you how to treat your panic attacks and anxiety, regain your self confidence, and enjoy life without fear, using a unique 3-step method no one else will tell you about... Visit Cure Anxiety Attacks

If you are willing to make just a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can stop your panic attacks and enjoy your daily activities again, both alone and with your friends and family. To learn how you can stop your symptoms in a couple of steps and then prevent them from ever appearing again- Click Here


What do anxiety problems feel like?