Saturday, 16 November 2019

How to Declutter

Do you find yourself chasing more stuff and not looking at what you already have or recycling what you already have to make room for more space in your life?
Clutter is all around us. We live in a consumer culture that propels us to buy more and more stuff every day. We are always lacking something. And the advertisers convince us that it is not only okay to purchase more and more stuff but it is encouraged.
After all, we wouldn't want to miss out on what our neighbours have, would we? And ideally, we would like to be first in purchasing the prized possession. That way, we could be in with the crowd of consumers. But is this really important?
If you are like most people, you are cluttered to the hilt. Our homes are loaded with stuff, some of which we will never use. Our attics are cluttered with memorabilia that we will probably never look at again. Our basements and garages have so much stuff in it that we can no longer see what is useful from what isn't.
Some of us even have storage units somewhere away from our home. As soon as we remove the stuff we aren't using, we believe that it is gone and we don't have to deal with it any longer. But aren't we wasting money renting a space for stuff that we no longer need?
I believe, we have gotten into a real rut in our current culture. Most of us don't even know how to weed out what is useful and what isn't with our possessions. Here are a few tips to try to do just that.
1. Decide which room you will de-clutter first. Choose one that is easiest to clean up so that you could see the difference between a cluttered room and a non-cluttered room.
2. Enter the room and sit down in a comfy chair or on the bed. Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Do this for a few minutes. Then look around the room as if you are a visitor. Ask yourself the following questions:
• Do I need this?
• Does it belong here?
• Does it fit who I am now?
Many times, we have things which don't serve us now. If the item in question doesn't serve you any more, discard it. Give it to a local charity or toss it out.

By taking these simple steps, we will be de-cluttering our house and surroundings. In the process, we will feel lighter and we will feel less stuck.
We don't have to follow our culture and do everything it dictates. We can live a de-cluttered life, one that is free from stuff and more focused on other things that help us thrive and live well. I encourage you to look for you're more focused and de-cluttered life. It's worth it!

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over fifty five books and e-books and over one thousand online articles. She also has over two thousand published book reviews both online and in print. In addition, she published an e-book on how not to scattered in our culture. Please double click on this link for more information.
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