Saturday, 16 November 2019

How to Declutter

Do you find yourself chasing more stuff and not looking at what you already have or recycling what you already have to make room for more space in your life?
Clutter is all around us. We live in a consumer culture that propels us to buy more and more stuff every day. We are always lacking something. And the advertisers convince us that it is not only okay to purchase more and more stuff but it is encouraged.
After all, we wouldn't want to miss out on what our neighbours have, would we? And ideally, we would like to be first in purchasing the prized possession. That way, we could be in with the crowd of consumers. But is this really important?
If you are like most people, you are cluttered to the hilt. Our homes are loaded with stuff, some of which we will never use. Our attics are cluttered with memorabilia that we will probably never look at again. Our basements and garages have so much stuff in it that we can no longer see what is useful from what isn't.
Some of us even have storage units somewhere away from our home. As soon as we remove the stuff we aren't using, we believe that it is gone and we don't have to deal with it any longer. But aren't we wasting money renting a space for stuff that we no longer need?
I believe, we have gotten into a real rut in our current culture. Most of us don't even know how to weed out what is useful and what isn't with our possessions. Here are a few tips to try to do just that.
1. Decide which room you will de-clutter first. Choose one that is easiest to clean up so that you could see the difference between a cluttered room and a non-cluttered room.
2. Enter the room and sit down in a comfy chair or on the bed. Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Do this for a few minutes. Then look around the room as if you are a visitor. Ask yourself the following questions:
• Do I need this?
• Does it belong here?
• Does it fit who I am now?
Many times, we have things which don't serve us now. If the item in question doesn't serve you any more, discard it. Give it to a local charity or toss it out.

By taking these simple steps, we will be de-cluttering our house and surroundings. In the process, we will feel lighter and we will feel less stuck.
We don't have to follow our culture and do everything it dictates. We can live a de-cluttered life, one that is free from stuff and more focused on other things that help us thrive and live well. I encourage you to look for you're more focused and de-cluttered life. It's worth it!

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over fifty five books and e-books and over one thousand online articles. She also has over two thousand published book reviews both online and in print. In addition, she published an e-book on how not to scattered in our culture. Please double click on this link for more information.
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10 Ways to Declutter Your Home Like KonMari

There is a Japanese way of decluttering that boils down to finding a specific place "for the leftover" stuff once you've completed all other home decluttering methods. This is a tried-and-proven method according to the Japanese cleaning professional, Marie Kondo. It's named after her and is called the KonMari Method.
The KonMari method of decluttering homes is one of the simplest, yet unique, ways to eliminate messes and organize an individual's life by way of decluttering their home. There are so many areas that can be decluttered, whether it's a room, the bathroom, or even the kitchen. In fact, there are many other places, such as the closet, and the garage, where you can follow these steps on decluttering and tidying up. It doesn't matter if you have an apartment, or a home, you can follow these steps fairly easily with a little patience and time. Yes, even you can learn them quickly once you get the hang of it.
Detach yourself from objects
The philosophy focuses on detaching ourselves from specific possessions which we tie ourselves to mentally. There are certain ways an individual may want to clean their house or apartment, but it's when we "bump" into those things that we find difficulty in throwing them away, even if we don't use, or need them! Maybe it's because it becomes a painstaking task and that keeps us from wanting to clean after we have accumulated so much. The step to take is to detach ourselves from these mental attachments we seem to have with various things. This, in fact, can be very difficult, mainly because we've convinced ourselves we need to have these things. Also, the best approach in decluttering your home is to start with one room at a time.

Main rule applies to everything
KonMari has one rule that she applies to everything. Some of the easiest rules can also help you with the tedious tasks you must do around the house. When you collect all your stuff, or tidy up each room, you will have a lot of extra things that you didn't realize you had, such as: papers, pencils, books, plates, cups, clothes,... etc..
These things seem to multiply in amount so, KonMari devised a simple way to "tidy up" any place regardless of which room it is in the house. You'll be able to do it too with a "yes, or no" answer to this question, "Does it spark joy for me?" This simple rule can be applied to everything!
The answer to KonMari's question
KonMari's simple rule applies to anything you either keep or get rid of. In fact, if you answer "yes" to every single item while you are tidying up, you'll be able to sort out everything easier.
On the other hand, if you answer "no," then you throw it out. Gone are those days of asking yourself, "Have I used this in a year?"
Here's KonMari's way as a step-by-step implementing of cleaning, while you declutter.
You should start right away to clean, or tidy up your home or apartment.
  1. Simply focus on the "discarding phase," which KonMari calls the "tidy marathon." You can make it a special event with music in the background, take-out food, and soft drinks to make it an enjoyable experience as you complete your "tidy marathon."
  2. Miscellaneous items can be done first, since these are the most tedious. These include: books, papers, clips, miscellaneous things, knick-knacks, and whatever else you have on your shelves, in your drawers, and on your countertops.
  3. The next step is called the "sentimental" step which applies to those things that, for some reason or another, you can't depart from. These can be stuffed animals, roses, or gifts from exes, specific clothes... etc.
  4. Do not store these items at your friends, partner's or parent's home. Why burden them when you can simply throw them out, or keep them, if you are going to need or use them.
  5. Empty your closet. Take out everything including hangers and all miscellaneous things (i.e. caps, scarves, belts, and hanging accessories,... )
  6. Dump ALL this stuff (clothes, knick- knacks, and junk you may have collected throughout the years), in the center of the floor, or on top of your bed.
  7. For shelving ideas, you can add 2 or 3 pieces of art deco such as vases, framed photos, a lamp, a plant, but that is it! No need to clutter your shelves with things that will ultimately collect dust.
  8. Canisters in the kitchen may hold your basics, such as: flour, sugar, and blended coffee. You can simply place this set of basics near the counter after you've cleaned the counter space by wiping it down. If you put this simple set of canisters near the kitchen sink, you'll benefit by having them close-at-hand. This is going back to the KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) technique.
  9. Simplify your life by keeping each category of things in the same place instead of scattering them all over the place. For example, you can keep all your cleaning products in the same spot in the kitchen and the same goes for all your shoes which are best stored in the same spot in your closet.
  10. Use a cheat sheet and itemize categories. While you are going through the pile of stuff, mark off what category you've worked on so that it is eliminated from your list.

Go through the extra stuff, and throw it out
These steps tell you to "go through every item" you have. When you do go through everything, you're probably going to have some things that you simply can't answer yes or no to. Simply put those items in their own box with a question mark label on it, and then, when you have finished sorting everything out, you can come back to this box and try again. This box of stuff is representative of the "extra stuff" you have accumulated throughout the years. Somehow, you must mentally detach yourself from these items. When in doubt, throw it out!
Finally, just try to answer truthfully the main question that the KonMari method suggests. "Does it bring joy or spark joy to me?" Decide if you feel any type of "spark" or enthusiasm when you have it in your hands. This is the KonMari method at its finest. The core of her method in cleaning and tidying up is just this. You'll see, over time, that your place will look a lot neater.
Also, when you feel you need to clean up your home you can also declutter by adding shelves if you do not have any. Shelves work wonders for homeowners and those living in small apartments. You can utilize the KonMari method with shelving while at the same time decluttering your living space. Tidying up everything initially is the first step in the KonMari method.
For most of us, clutter accumulates over time, and with these methods, or steps, as suggested by KonMari, you will be better organized. Time and patience are two of the main things that people should have when they start this type of project. After successfully completing this project, you'll find that you can do it quicker and much better the next time around. Every time you work at it, you'll find your place that much more organized and neater.
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Thursday, 14 November 2019

Eat More Popcorn: The Truth about Subliminal Messaging Technology

The story goes that market researcher James Vicary conducted an experiment to prove the effectiveness of subliminal messages.

Vicary exposed movie-goers to short subliminal messages containing the phrases “Eat Popcorn” and “Drink Coca-Cola” that were believed to have increased sales for those particular products. When challenged, Vicary was unable to replicate the results and was forced to admit that the data was too small to be of any real or lasting significance. Whether or not these messages did influence the audience, the story and its reported outcomes helped to spur on investigation into how our brains work.

Things have moved on a great deal since Vicary’s time. New technology has made it possible for researchers to study what happens in the human brain in incredible detail. fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) machines are able to map the activity of the brain by detecting changes in blood flow as brain activity varies. What many of these researchers are trying to discover with these techniques is the extent to which the subconscious brain influences the decision-making process. It has even resulted in the creation of a whole new branch of scientific study, called neuroscience.

So Do Subliminal Messages Work?

Here’s what we know so far…

Our brain has two distinct sides to it, the conscious and the subconscious. For many years we believed that every decision we made was done so in a rational manner, consciously chosen by us. But new research (check out Leonard Mlodinow’s book ‘Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior’) is challenging that idea in a big way.

It now appears that your subconscious mind is the control center, thought to be a million times more powerful than the conscious mind. Scientists are suggesting that every action you take, and every decision you make, is the result of a set of subconscious processes. So even though you think you’re making conscious, rational decisions, your subconscious is actually feeding that information to its less potent cousin.

For anyone interested in the application of subliminal messaging technology, that’s a significant fact. We now know for certain that the subconscious is the boss, the bit of our brain that’s in control, running our lives and informing our behavior. It therefore makes more sense than ever to find ways to use that knowledge that will enable people to make real changes in their lives.

Hungry for Answers

There’s still a long way to go and plenty more to be discovered, but one thing is certain. Any tool or technique that manages to infiltrate the subconscious mind has a good chance of helping people take more control over their lives. Research clearly indicates that, in order for any kind of serious change to take place, the subject has to be motivated to make that change happen. It seems perfectly logical then that with the right incentive and access to bona fide, reputable subliminal recordings, it should be relatively easy to eliminate bad habits, boost brain power, infuse yourself with energy, or any of hundreds of other improvements.

So is it the message that’s important, or the motivation? In the end, what matters is the result. More and more people are turning to subliminal messaging technology to improve the quality of their lives – and as long as it works for them, that’s all the justification the technology will ever need.

To take advantage of subliminal messages, check out the Subliminal360 app for your PC at

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

How to Create Your Own Simple Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messaging technology is a complicated mixture of many different variables that can’t be thrown together at home in some kind of DIY fashion. However, there are some simple steps you can take that will help you come up with basic subliminal message recordings.

Why make your own recordings, especially when there are so many ready-made ones available? You might want to target a specific need using your own voice, or using your partner’s voice, or using a particular musical track. Devising your own recording in this way adds that personal touch you can’t get anywhere else.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pinpoint the reason for the recording. In other words, what do you want the recording to help you achieve? What do you want to change? What’s the ultimate goal behind making the recording in the first place? Be as specific as you possibly can so that you’ll be able to fine-tune your messages for maximum impact.

  1. Write positive affirmations that fit your specific goal. Affirmations are generally short, positive, and written in the first person. If your goal is to lose weight, for example, then your affirmations might resemble these:

o   I can lose weight easily.
o   I am able to stick to my diet.
o   I am getting slimmer every day.

The more positive affirmations you write the better. You want to be able to influence your subconscious mind with as many positive and motivating phrases as possible.

  1. Put your affirmations to work on your behalf. There are two different ways you can do this:
o   Choose the 5 strongest affirmations, write them down, and repeat them to yourself every morning and night.
o   Record all of the affirmations and listen to them at any time of day when you have a few minutes of spare time.

  1. If you want to record your affirmations in a more professional manner, you’ll need to use some form of audio recording software. This allows you to layer vocal and musical tracks together, mix them up, play them backwards, pan them from left to right, and so on. Free software such as Audacity would be perfect for this.

  1. Save your recording as an Audacity file, even if you think it’s perfect. You can export it as an MP3 file to play on any device, but there may come a time in the future when you want to add additional affirmations to it. Saving it in this manner gives you the option of changing or extending the subliminal recording at a later date.

  1. Transfer your MP3 recording to the medium of your choice (CD, phone, MP3 player, etc.) and listen to it at your leisure. Best times for listening are when you’re not busy doing something else, and while you’re sleeping. Listen while you’re relaxing to give the messages a chance to make their way into your subconscious, without outside distractions making things more difficult.

The final crucial ingredient in the process is patience. If you expect to read your affirmations or listen to your messages once and completely change your life, you’re going to be disappointed. Your subconscious mind needs time to absorb the information and reprogram itself to your new way of thinking, and that takes as long as it takes. So be persistent, keep listening (or reading), and your dedication and determination will be rewarded.

If that all sounds like too much hard work, you can take advantage of hundreds of ready-made subliminal messages using the very latest technology. Check online to explore the wide range of sessions which have been specially designed to address almost every area of your life.

To flash subliminal messages on your PC, check out the Subliminal360 app at

To download your own subliminal MP3s, or create your own custom album, visit Subliminal Guru at

Tea Time with Tim — How to Find Mentors, Decrease Anxiety Through Training, and Much More

 Welcome to a special episode called “Tea Time with Tim,”

Among other topics, he discusses: How to go about finding a mentor. The meaning of life. How to extinguish anxiety. Cocktails. Relationship advise. Training into confidence.

Friday, 8 November 2019

How to get inspired and unstoppable - Dr John Demartini

 David Laroche is interviewing Dr John Demartini who is at the same time a human behavior specialist, an educator, a business consultant, a polymath and an international author. In this interview, he defines the word

Values and gives its importance. In this interview he talks about how to find your purpose, the difference between imitation or inspiration, the balance between your relationship and your business. He finally ends up by talking about subordination and fears and how to become a leader.


The best motivational video featuring ever - Be Phenomenal features motivational speeches from Les Brown, Eric Thomas, and Floyd Mayweather.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

How to Cope with Feeling Unfocused or Overwhelmed | Tim Ferriss

 Art of goal creation -
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