Friday, 30 November 2018

Rid Yourself Of Fear, Fearlessly!

By: Juanita Bellavance

What a silly thing to say, don't you think? Not necessarily when you know the power of creating a single photographic collage.

Col-lage n. An artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface, often with unifying lines and color.

7 Powerful Uses Of Creating Collages:

1. To break up the mental image that is fear. Collage images that represent fear and see what happens to your state of mind. Very surprising and powerful!

2. To create a visual of your dream life to magnetically attract your dreams into your life. This is sometimes referred to as Treasure Mapping.

3. To break through your conscious riddence of your inner self. Have you trained yourself to be an "adult" and put away the passions of your childhood? Your collage can reveal the part of yourself that you have forgotten if that is your purpose.

4. To communicate a negative feeling you have to someone who cannot understand your verbal message. Our minds think in pictures. Through pictures we can convey what language cannot.

5. Purely as a work of art. Collage art can be very expressive and beautiful. It offers an opportunity for the uses of all sorts of multi-media such as texture objects, metal, paper, etc.

6. To reveal a thought pattern you may not realize about yourself. As you share your collage with others for comments, they may notice something in yours that you hadn't realized. Suddenly you notice something about yourself without the other person even noticing your discovery.

7. To create a visual journal of your life and passions in life. Bring your favorite life experiences forward photographically. Remember photographs used as collage have overlapping edges. They are not lined up in straight rows like in a photograph album. It's a great technique to use in creating a scrapbook.

All in all creating collages is a powerful tool to use when you are stuck in any way. Fear will leave you stuck. Break it up with a collage of photographs that represent fear.
Stuck for ideas? Create a collage of photographs that represent stagnation. You will be very surprised.
Wondering where you can easily get the pictures for your collage?

Here are some ways:
1. Use outdated magazines and tear out pages that seem to represent your theme or feeling.
2. Use family photographs
3. Join a clip art website for a week and look through all their photographs and save the ones that stand out for you.
4. Use scraps of paper, fabric, various texture items like flower petals, grass, leaves, etc.
5. Spend the day at Lake Pawtuckaway in Nottingham, New Hampshire Oct 15 and create your collage with all materials supplied for a day! See
Collages can be made from any group of objects or photographs you desire. They can be for almost any purpose.
Create a collage and see what happens!

Thursday, 29 November 2018

How to Be Ruthless with Time

If you've created a time management plan and still failed to reach your goals, it's likely, when it comes to the schedule, you're too flexible and easy on yourself and others. The fact is that time is not limitless, so you need to be ruthless with time. You can't work harder to get more of it; it's a finite resource that can't be increased or replaced.

When you realize that time is finite and there really might not be some future distant tomorrow, you might start being more ruthless with the time you've got. You might try following these tips.

* Just Say No  The biggest factor in being ruthless with your time is learning to say no. If you really don't want to do something, you must say no. There is no sin in saying no. The only reason you feel guilty about the word is that your parents taught you saying no was wrong. It's time to realize, as a grown-up you can now say no.

* Get Up on Time  This is a hard one for many but it doesn't have to be as hard as you think. If you are a small business owner who works from home, it's actually pretty easy. You don't need more than seven or eight hours of sleep a night. If you can limit your sleep to no more than eight hours, you will gain time. If you typically sleep less thansix hours, you may need to get in a bit more sleep to be most productive with your time.

* Try to Be Early  If you need to drive places or you have deadlines for work, schedule your time so you will be early. The reason is that this is one of the ways to eliminate urgency from your life, which in turn causes stress. This way if something does happen out of the ordinary, you will still have time to meet a deadline and be on time.

* Turn Off Technology  The very thing that is supposed to make our time more productive can have the opposite effect. The notifications of new emails, your Facebook stream, and unscheduled time on Pinterest can get out of hand. Turn it off. Youll gain so much more time. That includes your TV, too.

* Understand Your Internal Clock  Everyone has an internal time clock. It's important not to fight against that and be aware of what it is. Some people are early risers and some people are night owls and others are in-between. It's important for you to determine for yourself what your own internal clock is and then work with it.

* Make Lists  If you understand each step that goes behind a calendar listing, it will be more beneficial because it's easier to allocate enough time for each thing when you know what it takes to complete any given task. You won't be able to accurately determine the time it takes without all the information.

* Calendar It  Put everything in your calendar including everyday tasks, small steps for a project due in the future, and time with family, friends and yourself. Dont skip this step. When someone asks for your time you can easily schedule them in (or not) based on your availability and avoid conflicts.

* Avoid Meetings  Some meetings are important, such as a first client meeting to establish goals and determine tactics, but after that almost everything else can be accomplished through updates in a project management system. There is no real need for weekly meetings for updates, or to discuss anything that can easily be put into a memo.

* Touch It Only Once  Another way to be ruthless with your time is to not allow yourself to wait to do things later. If you get an email that requires a response, do it now. If you check your snail mail and a bill needs to be paid, schedule it now. If you get junk mail, delete it now. Only check your mail when you have time to deal with these issues.

Finally, dont be too hard on yourself in terms of the hours you schedule yourself to work. Yes, be ruthless about the schedule, but also schedule in fun time. Humans aren't designed to work 20 hours a day. Go ahead, schedule 8 to 10 hours a day of work. But, in between, schedule in breaks. Time with friends, family and spouses during any given work day is important too. Also, remember to schedule in breaks like weekends and vacations. If you do that, it'll be so much easier to be ruthless with time and stick to your schedule.

Judi Moreo 

Source  -

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Morning Routines of Successful People - Brian Tracy @BrianTracy

Few hours of the day are more important than the early morning hours. These hours when you first wake up set the tone for the rest of the day, affecting your mindset and productivity during all the hours that follow them.

In this video Brian talks about the importance of these early morning hours is the reason why some of the world's most successful people carefully craft morning routines designed to help them start the day off right and make the most of the hours that follow. If you would like to start each day in the best way possible, consider implementing some of these proven morning routines into your morning schedule.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

6 Budget Swaps for a Frugal and a Happy Life via @TFDiet

Having a budget does not mean that you must cut out everything that you enjoy. It’s all about maximizing the value of the things you do purchase. In this video, Tasha tells you the best budget swaps for frugal living while still having a very happy life.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | David Epstein

When you look at sporting achievements over the last decades, it seems like humans have gotten faster, better and stronger in nearly every way. Yet as David Epstein points out in this delightfully counter-intuitive talk, we might want to lay off the self-congratulation. Many factors are at play in shattering athletic records, and the development of our natural talents is just one of them. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

Saturday, 24 November 2018

HOW TO TRANSFORM YOURSELF IN 8 STEPS - Brian Rose's Real Deal @LondonRealTV

About London Real: Founded by Brian Rose in 2011. London Real is the curator of people worth watching. Our mission is to promote personal transformation through inspiration, self-discovery and empowerment. We feature interesting guests with fascinating stories and unique perspectives on life. We aim to take viewers on a journey through the lives of others and ultimately inspire them to embark on one of their own.


Idea Inception
Find a Mentor
Pay Price to Action
Create Your Gameplay
Take Action
Fight Resistance
Be Held Accountable
Transform Yourself

Why It's So Hard To Succeed - The Survivorship Bias

The survivorship bias is the logical error, concentrating on the people who made it or "survived" and overlooking those who did not. There's a common misconception floating around the internet: You should focus on the successful if you wish to become successful yourself. You have probably seen these types of articles before.
Like, "5 surprising habits all successful people have". Or, "4 things ultra successful people do differently". The logic is simple: if it helped them get success, it should help you as well, right? Well not quite. When you factor in the survivorship bias, you notice that we're only focusing on the people that made it, aka survivors. We're forgetting all the men and women, that have been applying those "5 surprising habits of the successful people", but are not successful. So while their advice might work for some, it has to be noted that it won't work for everyone. We don't even consider that there are probably other elements at play here, one for example: pure luck. Like being at the right place at the right time or having connections with key people. Those are just some factors that are often disregarded.

Gill Fielding's RICHES - The Secret Of Wealth You Were Never Told Of - @Gill_Fielding

Becoming Wealthy is not a matter of luck, fate or circumstance.... This is self-made multi-millionaire Gill Fielding's journey of self discovery from her poor beginnings to her life of Riches. Along her journey and with the help of some of the world's leading wealth creator including Duncan Bannatyne, James Caan, Brian Tracy, T Harv Eker, John Demartini, Michael Gerber and Peter Thomson. Gill makes a series of astounding discoveries, uncovering common threads, wealth secrets which for thousands of years have run through the lives of the people who have achieved great wealth and more importantly, kept it.

Book this was based on here (if you can afford it)

Friday, 23 November 2018

Finding The Secret @thesecret

By: Rev. Eleanor Richard

There is a vast secret that many have known throughout the ages. Thousands of us are awakening to discover it for ourselves. This powerful knowledge, when applied, is enough to transform our planet into the peace on earth we all say that we want. It even transforms my life--and yours, too.

It's simple. Too simple, some will say. Yet, in all its simplicity, it is difficult to comprehend intellectually, and far more difficult to BECOME this secret every day.

At first, as with any new idea, the automatic response is, "That's nonsense." As we begin to practice this secret we begin to hope it is so. This is followed by an attitude of "Let's see if it can be done." Then it IS done. "Why wasn't this done long ago"

Here's the key concept, developed in my own words:

There is only one God--one Energy Field, one Great Spirit, Allah, Power for Good, in all creation. This Power is Love, which delights in individualizing Itself in many forms, the most diverse, the better. We can use this Power. My ongoing thoughts and attitudes produce my environment.

All ancient wisdoms taught that God is All There Is, in different words. In every religion, God, or Love, expresses Truth. In all religions, philosophies--yes, even science--this One offers Himself/Herself/Itself in different ways. There is no separation between all the religions! There can be no separation between races, nations and neighborhoods, for Energy, or God, does not separate, cannot divide. God creates by uniting.

As I realize this more each day, I continue to expand my circle of love to include more and more people and ideas, no matter how weird or destructive. "He closed his circle to keep me out, but I expand my circle to bring him in," is an old, true quote. We have an assignment, folks. We are here to create heaven on earth, wherever we are in our daily lives.

There is no separation. We are all made of "star stuff." We are all One. Why not give unity consciousness a chance and get about our business?

Does life just "happen to you"? It's easy to sit back and watch events unfold. If you don't exert your creative power in life, life will express randomly in your experience-the world of Victim Consciousness. You can make life happen on your terms, but you must make a commitment. "What? No, way," you say. "I came up here to escape commitments and the daily grind." Lots of people seem to believe that if they make a commitment, they will have to do something that they don't want to do, right? Not true!

Here's a better way of understanding commitment. Commitment is a way of choosing what you want to do and focusing your power to make it happen. It is one of the most effective techniques you can use in making your life happen on your terms.

I define commitment as the focusing of my personal power. And what is personal power? That amount of universal energy which I can access at any given moment.
You can access your personal power and create the world you want!

Source :

The Secret FOUND HERE 


The POWER of HABIT | Hack Your LIFE to SUCCESS! | #BelieveLife

One of the key traits of highly successful people is that they all developed powerful habits that immensely help them in pursuit of their goals and dreams. So, in today's #BelieveLife video, learn the true power of habits, and how to use them to achieve success.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Video : 2018 Self Improvement Checklist - 7 Growth-Inspiring Ideas and Tactics @practical_psych

 What skill have you learned in 2018 so far? Any favorite self-growth books you've read that have skyrocketed your learning? Self-Improvement and personal development topics are my favorite to teach about and if you want more, leave a like and a comment any suggestions you might have :)

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

How do we change the inner attitudes of our minds?

A Change Will Do You Good

By: Sharron Myers

As the last rays of summer's warmth ebb away and the gentle breezes of autumn waft themselves upon us, we recognize once again, that change is inevitable. Nature is constantly changing and yet, so many people have the notion that change is frightening.

People are creatures of habit and some find it difficult to adjust to changes that are certain to come our way. Life is like an old, comfortable pair of shoes. We may realize that we need new ones and we may even find new ones we really like, but, we know that changing will cause us discomfort for a little while until we break them in.

Sometimes we need to realize that life isn't always easy. What may be better for us is not what we are used to, but it is certainly worth the trouble of breaking in new habits and lifestyle changes.

Change does not have to be painful. Just look to nature and it will give you clues to how change can be effortless. The beautifully colored autumn leaves do not hang on to the old tree for dear life. No, they yield to the changes with ease and float gently off the tree.

With the coming of autumn we have been busy in our gardens pulling up the old stuff and getting ready for a time of rest. We know that the ground must rest and next year there will be more wonderful things in our garden to delight us.

Are there things in your life that need to be gently eased out of your life? Maybe there are bad relationships or habits or thoughts that need to be weeded out of your life. Don't be afraid to do a little gardening in your own life.

Every gardener knows that unless we get to the roots, we really are not getting rid of the problem. It may go away for awhile but unless we get to the root, it will sneak back into the garden very quickly.

Although the harvest time is here there is no time to stop weeding the garden of our minds. This garden needs constant attention in order for us to flourish and be all that we can be.

 The only way to keep this garden in top shape is to make sure that no weeds are there trying to strangle any good we are trying to do. The weeds of our mind, of course are negative thoughts that like to creep in and keep us from achieving that which we are striving for.

William James said, "Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.

How do we change the inner attitudes of our minds? By changing the way we think. We must put fear and negativity behind us. How, you ask? Just as the leaves of autumn gently blow from the tree, don't try and make a change in your thinking over night and expect to get instant results. We cannot rip these thoughts out of our minds, as much as we would like to sometimes.

No, we need to be gentle on ourselves and let positive thoughts replace the negative.

Yes it will take some work on your part. You must constantly fill your mind with positive thoughts. Proverbs 27: 3 says, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. We are what we think. When the negative thoughts come into your mind, you must be ready and willing to replace those thoughts with positive ones. Just say to yourself, no, I won't let that thought take over my mind, I will think positively.

Affirmations are good to have readily available so you can replace the negative thought with the positive one. It won't be easy, it won't be hard either, it will just be different, like that new pair of shoes we were talking about earlier.

The autumn leaves fall to make way for new life. We too must go through changes that will bring new growth to our bodies, souls and spirits.

Change is inevitable, so why fight it? Why be afraid of it? Yes, change will require us to do a bit of readjusting but it is always worth it. Don't be afraid of change, a change will do you good.

Link to original article

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

The Locker Lesson

By: Debbie Friedman

My 13-year old son had started at one of the most prestigious private schools in the nation - an honor that we were paying $20,000 a year for and at a school that had 100 applications for each spot! When he came home the second month with a horrified look on his face, telling me that he'd done something awful, I was more than a little concerned. He explained that, as a prank, he had given a boy's locker combination to someone else. That person had opened the locker, and trashed all the books and belongings inside. He didn't know what to do, so he asked for my advice.

Here's what I guided him to do: He called the boy whose locker was trashed, told him that he was responsible, and that he would do whatever it took to make things right. He called the boy's parents, told them he was sorry and would do whatever it took to make things right. Even though the mother was yelling at him and calling him names, I stood by his side, and he continued to apologize. The next morning, he went to the Dean's office before his first class, told the Dean what he had done, and said he would do whatever it took to make things right.

This was one of the most terrifying moments of my son's life up until that time. I can remember the look of horror on his face as the mother cursed him and called him names. I also remember that he was able to stand up tall, with dignity and with self-esteem, as he went to school the next morning to talk with the Dean. He felt good about himself, not because he had made a mistake (as everyone is going to do in life!), but because he had the courage to stand up and admit it. He had the integrity to take responsibility for his actions and the inner strength to do whatever it took to make things right.
Now, you may be wondering what happened in all of this. My son had to pay for a new lock for the boy's locker. The Dean called me to tell me he had never in his entire career seen a student carry himself with such dignity and such integrity. He was truly impressed and thanked me for the guidance I'd given him, and for raising such an incredible son with clear values.

The boy whose locker had been trashed barely talked to my son for four years. And yet, when they were graduating from high school and went to their elementary school reunion, it was as if nothing had ever happened. Yes, it took some time for the wounds to heal, but in the end everything turned out fine.
What happened to the boy who actually opened the locker and trashed it? He refused to apologize and his parents refused to make him apologize. He was put on detention for weeks and was asked to leave the school at the end of the year.

We all make mistakes, some of them are big ones, some of them are small. My son made a mistake, and in the process got to learn a very valuable lesson.
Honesty is always the best policy. Taking responsibility for what you say and do is essential if you want to feel good about yourself. It's important to be willing to go to any length to make things right when you breach your integrity. It may not be easy. It may feel crummy and uncomfortable. You may get yelled at. In the end, though, you'll be able to walk with your head held high, you will be able to go to sleep in peace at night, and you will be respected.

Most important, you will respect yourself. That may be the greatest gift of all.


Monday, 19 November 2018

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change


The most groundbreaking lesson I took away from the Power of Habit must be that you can't really erase old patterns or, say, delete, a bad habit. That's why it's so easy for us to fall back into our old ways, it's something we're familiar and strangely comfortable with, but comfort oftentimes is the very source of our bad habits. Eating junk food and drinking soda is easier and thus more comfortable than learning as much as possible about nutrition and carefully paying attention to what you put in your body. However, since you can't erase your bad habits, you have to replace them with a good habit.

Quit Smoking - Want the change! It has to matter a whole lot to you. When you feel the urge, distract yourself. Ignore it. Don't have cigarettes near you, anywhere, anytime. Stay away from your 5 min-break-smoke buddies for a couple of days (favorably atleast 10). Even just smoking passively gets in the way of your newly found ambition to improve your health. If honesty is an option, tell them you quit smoking, even if it was just that day & they ask "Since when?" I understand that some of you might not be ready for that confrontation, especially when you may doubt your own success. Just say "I can't, sorry, but I'm incredibly busy this week." & keep staying away from the smoke you breathe in passively (huge cue / trigger!). Remember how we covered that one should speak through their actions and not talk about achievements one hasn't reached yet? It's disarming people, people who might act as if they care for you, when they do not. You prevent them from sabotaging you. Think about it. They smoke, even though they know it's bad for them & now you want to stop doing it yourself. Why would you expect support from them (unless they're genuinely good people)? The best way, of course, still is to just tell the world that you quit smoking and that that's that. When you actually mean it, that mindset alone might be enough for you to quit a bad habit for good. Get hooked on a good habit like moving your body, in whatever way, shape or form. Drink lots of water daily. The benefits are endless and even if this may sound like commonsense to you, there's lots of people who only drink sugary beverages, who don't exercise and only consume destructive shit. Before anyone says "it's not easy" again. It fucking is if you believe it is. Don't underestimate the power of the mind. It's not only doable, it's a walk in the park with the right attitude. Thinking "it's not easy" is already a sign for failure. Ever notice how many freshly baked fathers & mothers *quit* smoking in a heartbeat after years of trying? They thought about their children. They thought "I'm doing this for my sweetheart(s)!" "I'm going to be a role model to these kids!" We love the people close to us more than we love ourselves. Commit to quitting a bad habit not only for yourself, but especially for your loved ones.


Check out the flowchart I found on creating/replacing a habit -


You Choose to React or Respond

Choices abound. Sometimes choices confound us, while at other times, certain choices are rather obvious. Any way you approach the subject, choices present opportunities to either excel or hinder. As human beings, we were endowed by our Creator with the power of choice. It is one of the factors that differentiate persons from animals. Some people make these choices or decisions more easily than others.

Each day, we must decide how we will spend our precious twenty four hours and deal with all that the world presents to us. We choose how we will be affected by both everyday occurrences and those that are much more extraordinary. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we choose to either react or respond. These are not the same, for one is negative and one is positive. Which we choose may have a significant impact on our life and possibly those close to us.

Reacting to outside influences, usually beyond our control is generally a negative choice. Reacting implies that we have given charge of the situation to someone or something else. We surrender our input and any control in the matter. We are now at the mercy of the situation and are forced to be in reaction mode where we are constantly dodging bullets and expending great amounts of energy just to stay afloat. In reacting to a situation, we do not anticipate that which is to come because we are too busy handling the present. The future then surprises us and the whole mess begins again.

Responding to a situation is a positive choice. It is the opposite of reacting. It is proactive and anticipates that which is yet to come. Responding is preceded by thought and often prayer. 

In responding, we take charge and have command over how the situation impacts us. We also have control over how it affects us internally. We decide upon the level of personal impact.

Our lives, families, careers and other everyday activities and interests are operating at breakneck speeds and appear at times to be accelerating. One thing is for certain, the old days of sitting around on the front porch each evening listening to Mother Nature are gone for many of us. 

The pace of life in Mayberry, as healthy and tranquil as it would appear, is unfortunately a thing of the past. We live life on the fast track.

A major news weekly magazine is currently featuring material devoted to stress and distress in our lives and their effects on our cardiovascular health. Although not totally surprising, this information is disturbing. How did we ever get to this point? Witness the number of television commercials and magazine advertisements for gastric distress, acid reflux, anxiety, depression, headaches and other ailments that are increasing in frequency. 

There are millions of prescriptions written each day for these medical conditions, most of which will find their roots in internalized stress and distress.

People spend many hours of their lives worrying. Worry is a senseless, energy robbing activity that has engulfed many. 

No one has ever benefited from worry, yet countless people engage in it. Worry is the opposite of faith. Worry is negative while faith is positive. There is no mystery here. Many books have been written on the subject. The conclusions are the same: "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and "Stop Worrying and Start Living" are among the many themes presented. Good advice indeed.

Most areas of life present us with choices. We must choose either to respond or react to circumstances. We choose whether or not to worry. 

Learn to be aware that you have a choice in these matters. Learn that there are ways that you can deal with everything either positively or negatively. Learn that your choices may influence your very health, both physical and mental. 

Learn that there will be costs associated with poor choices, worrying and negativity in general. These may include social, monetary, peace of mind and time costs. Certainly, the total cost associated with negative choices is too high.

Learn that positively responding to circumstances in life will significantly reduce or eliminate worry and contribute to your overall good health and well being. Find joy in life. Be happy.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

How Not To Be Shy Around People: 5 Easy Steps

By Michale Lee 

Want to know how not to be shy around people? If you often feel self-conscious and awkward, find yourself saying all the wrong words (or shutting up entirely), and not being able to do or say what you want... then it's time you get your shyness out of the way. How? Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Understand Where Your Shyness Is Coming From.

Each one experiences shyness differently. Find out how it manifests in your life and what triggers it. When it happens, what are you concerned with?

Step 2: Turn Self-Consciousness To Self-Awareness.

The world is not looking at you all the time. Most people are like you, anyway, busy looking at themselves. Stop looking at yourself through the eyes of others. Focus your awareness inwards instead and work on your presence of mind.

Step 3: Find Your Strengths.

Surely, there is something you do quite well. Find out what you're good at and keep doing it. These strengths will not only help you accept your identity, these will teach you how not to be shy around people.

Knowing that you're good at something makes you feel good about yourself. Use it to your advantage!

Step 4: Appreciate Yourself.

Give yourself some credit. Being shy doesn't cancel out all your other good qualities. In fact, if you look deeper, you will see more beautiful things about yourself. And don't worry, it's okay to be different.

Learning how not to be shy around people first requires that you like yourself. When you become comfortable about yourself, you build your confidence as well.

Step 5: Keep Practicing Your Social Skills.

Just like any other skill, your social skills can be developed through practice. Take the bold step to introduce yourself in parties or meetings. Ask them and talk about their interests (hobbies, family, friends, career, goals, etc.).

It may be awkward and difficult at first, but with enough practice, it will be easier eventually.

It might also help if you visualize a certain scenario and practice what you might say or do ahead of time. Don't expect to see improvements right away.

When you experience mistakes and rejection along the way, don't be disheartened - they happen. Learn from them and just keep trying.

Learning how not to be shy around people, especially when you've been timid for so long, can really be challenging. The key to confidence is accepting and appreciating yourself. Keep putting yourself out there. Remember, the more you try, the easier it will be next time!


Will power does not work by Benjamin Hardy @BenjaminPHardy

Benjamin Hardy is the number one writer at His work has been read of 50 million times. He is nearing the completion of his PhD, in organizational psychology. His book, Willpower Doesn’t Work comes out March. He and his wife have been the foster parent of 3 kids for 3 years.

Based on the book found here 

Book Summary here:
Book Summary video  :

5 Ways To Stay Positive When Miserable People Are All Around You

by Kari Farmer

Trying to be positive and happy around miserable people can be a challenge that sometimes deserves an award just for being there. 

Like the day you walk into work actually excited about it and feeling good until your coworkers begin talking about how they work too hard for too little and none of you are ever going to get a raise and that they are pretty sure you will all be let go soon without warning. 

Or when you have that very exciting and happy news to tell your close family members or friends and once you tell them, expecting joy and happiness from them, they only question your thought process and make you feel bad for every sharing your news in the first place.

So the next time you encounter an individual or a group of miserable and negative people try these tricks to help you maintain your positive outlook.


1. Hold on to your happy feeling – Remember what you were feeling so good about in the first place or even draw from other things that make you feel good. Really feel the happiness that comes from those thoughts and no one will be able to pop your bubble of positivity that is surrounding you.

2. Appreciate it and turn away– Acknowledge the fact that you have identified their negativity. That act alone means that you can separate between being negative and being positive.

Then pivot away from that energy and realize that you are doing something good for yourself, which is not letting in the negative. 

3. Turn their negativity into your positivity – Have a sense of humor about it all. Try to cheer them up and be willing to laugh at yourself when you fail. See their negativity for the silliness it is and if you can show them how silly their worries really are than be happy that you were able to show them that.

4. Feel good that you can see more positive in their lives than they can – The very fact that you can recognize their negatives when they can not, puts you into a different energy vibration all together. 

This helps you to see how awesome your positive outlook is and how much better you feel about your life than they do. Relish the feeling of happiness you get and remember the empty feeling of negativity that they have which comes with their outlook.

5. Stop it in its tracks – If you have to be in the situation and hang out with someone who is being miserable then do not let the parade of negativity continue. 

Let them know that you have a different outlook on the subject they are talking about. You can try to tell them your view point and how what they are talking about is not as bad as it seems but if they do not want to see any good in it, believe me they wont, and it will just heat up their point of view. So tell them bluntly that you would rather talk about something else or nothing at all if they continue with their rant. In most cases this should work and may even take them out of their negativity long enough to help them feel good.


Saturday, 17 November 2018

The 5 S's of Leadership via @DrJohnDemartini ‏

Do you think leaders are born or are they developed? My observation is that everybody has a leader inside of them! Watch my video to learn more how to awaken your won unique form of leadership.

5 Keys To Stress Relief

By: Helen Macmillan

Do you remember the last time you got caught up in a situation that pissed you off or made you so fearful that it completely dismantled your ability to respond in a constructive way? Sometimes it can feel like you didn’t really have a choice in how you responded, it "just happened". If you’d like to have a more conscious choice in how you respond to stressful events in your life, keep reading…

Imagine this common scenario: You’ve had a late start to your already overbooked day and are already feeling somewhat stressed when you get into your car and remember you needed to get gas as your tank is on "E", so now you have to make another stop, which will delay you further! Depending on your typical thought process, you may immediately begin to feel anxious and worried: "Oh no! I’m going to be late for my appointment", causing tension to build as you speed down the street, gripping the steering wheel tightly and swearing at the slow poke driving leisurely in front of you. Or, you may find yourself getting angry, berating yourself with thoughts like: "Why am I late again?… I should be more organized… I should have gotten gas last night… But I was just too tired! … I need a break! …They better not give me any crap about being late! … Do they have any idea what my life is like?… I’m not putting up with any crap today. After all, they kept me waiting last time!". You head into your day feeling belligerent and defensive..

The Mind Body Link

Whether you react in fear or in anger, the thoughts in your mind create stress in your body. Your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises, your breath becomes shallow, your adrenalin surges, and you produce higher levels of a hormone called cortisol. The primitive "fight-or-flight" response is activated but there are no lions or tigers coming at you – "just" thoughts convincing you that your survival is at stake.

Your thoughts have immense power. When something happens that violates your sense of how things should be, and you perceive danger ― whether real or imagined. Are you aware that numerous studies have shown that chronic stress accelerates aging and makes you more prone to dis-eases like heart disease, stomach ulcers, cancer, insomnia, migraine headaches, panic attacks, and depression?

Fortunately, there are many valuable practices that can help you go beyond the primal fight-or-flight response. You can train yourself to respond from a more evolved part of your brain creating a different response – one that is as natural as the stress response – but infinitely more peaceful, healing and aligned with what I call your ‘Million Dollar Zone’ (that state of being where you are grounded, relaxed, flowing and abundant).

Choices that Relieve Stress#

1. Connect With Your Body. While the mind is constantly flitting to thoughts of the future and memories of the past, the body lives in the only moment that truly exists: the present. One of the best ways to relieve stress is to tune in to your body. Allow yourself to feel all your bodily sensations, including ones that your mind might label as "unpleasant", such as tightness in your jaw, churning in your stomach, or stiffness in your neck. Most people want to avoid feeling these sensations but if you allow yourself to observe them without judging them as "good" or "bad", or needing to understand, interpret or rationalize them, they will often resolve spontaneously. Tuning into your breath is also a great way to connect with your body and create a shift in your state of being.

2. Meditate. Meditation gives you access to the inner silence and calm that lies beneath the mind’s noisy internal dialogue. You can experience profound relaxation that dissolves fatigue and long-standing stresses. Studies have found that a daily meditation practice can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, decrease anxiety and depression, and reverse the biological markers of aging. There are many different ways to meditate, so it’s about finding the ways that work for you. This is one of the tools I teach in my retreats and programs.

3. Understand Your Unique Stress Response. Your conditioning and life experiences play a great role in how you respond to stress. Here are three common patterns of responses to stress:

Type 1- You respond with anxiety and worry. Normally creative and enthusiastic, in the face of stress, you tend to blame yourself for your problems and become extremely nervous and scattered.

Type 2 – You are usually warm and loving, but if you’re out of balance, you typically react to stress by finding fault with other people and becoming angry.

Type 3 – Normally, you are even-tempered, easygoing and gentle, but when faced with overwhelming conflict or stress, you withdraw and refuse to deal with the situation. You tend to avoid confrontation at all cost because it’s just too stressful.

Do any of these describe you? Maybe more than one? No judgement here. Just awareness.

When you become aware of your response, you can interrupt the cycle and choose a different response. Awareness is the first step of my 5 step S.H.I.F.T. process because you cannot change what you cannot see.

4. Learn the Skills of Conscious Communication. When we aren’t able to clearly communicate our needs, we experience a lot of stress and frustration in our lives. Fortunately, conscious communication is a learnable skill. With practice, you can learn to express your needs, ask for what you want, and create more fulfilling relationships. The skill of conscious communication are a vital component of all my programs.

5. Exercise. Doing some form of exercise will help to shift your focus, get your blood and energy flowing, calm the nervous system, increase the production of stress-relieving hormones, and release stored toxins. The key is to do something that will cause you to stop dwelling on stressful thoughts and help you feel more lighthearted and joyful. You don’t have to go to the gym to do this, many people (myself included) find certain housecleaning activities extremely cathartic. So is taking a walk in nature or practicing yoga. Not only is yoga an excellent physical exercise that increases your flexibility and strength, it also balances the mind and body. With a regular practice, you begin to experience a sense of calm and wellbeing that extends beyond the yoga mat into your daily life.

In life there will always be challenges, they are actually here to serve us, to help us grow but sometimes it hard to see that when they come one after another and we are overwhelmed!

The goal isn’t to try to control the flow of life so that we’ll never experience stress or frustration again; the secret lies instead in having compassion and patience as we learn to befriend our mind. No matter how long you have been stuck in habitual thought patterns, you can learn to remain peaceful and joyful even when life is stressful.