Friday, 23 November 2018

Finding The Secret @thesecret

By: Rev. Eleanor Richard

There is a vast secret that many have known throughout the ages. Thousands of us are awakening to discover it for ourselves. This powerful knowledge, when applied, is enough to transform our planet into the peace on earth we all say that we want. It even transforms my life--and yours, too.

It's simple. Too simple, some will say. Yet, in all its simplicity, it is difficult to comprehend intellectually, and far more difficult to BECOME this secret every day.

At first, as with any new idea, the automatic response is, "That's nonsense." As we begin to practice this secret we begin to hope it is so. This is followed by an attitude of "Let's see if it can be done." Then it IS done. "Why wasn't this done long ago"

Here's the key concept, developed in my own words:

There is only one God--one Energy Field, one Great Spirit, Allah, Power for Good, in all creation. This Power is Love, which delights in individualizing Itself in many forms, the most diverse, the better. We can use this Power. My ongoing thoughts and attitudes produce my environment.

All ancient wisdoms taught that God is All There Is, in different words. In every religion, God, or Love, expresses Truth. In all religions, philosophies--yes, even science--this One offers Himself/Herself/Itself in different ways. There is no separation between all the religions! There can be no separation between races, nations and neighborhoods, for Energy, or God, does not separate, cannot divide. God creates by uniting.

As I realize this more each day, I continue to expand my circle of love to include more and more people and ideas, no matter how weird or destructive. "He closed his circle to keep me out, but I expand my circle to bring him in," is an old, true quote. We have an assignment, folks. We are here to create heaven on earth, wherever we are in our daily lives.

There is no separation. We are all made of "star stuff." We are all One. Why not give unity consciousness a chance and get about our business?

Does life just "happen to you"? It's easy to sit back and watch events unfold. If you don't exert your creative power in life, life will express randomly in your experience-the world of Victim Consciousness. You can make life happen on your terms, but you must make a commitment. "What? No, way," you say. "I came up here to escape commitments and the daily grind." Lots of people seem to believe that if they make a commitment, they will have to do something that they don't want to do, right? Not true!

Here's a better way of understanding commitment. Commitment is a way of choosing what you want to do and focusing your power to make it happen. It is one of the most effective techniques you can use in making your life happen on your terms.

I define commitment as the focusing of my personal power. And what is personal power? That amount of universal energy which I can access at any given moment.
You can access your personal power and create the world you want!

Source :

The Secret FOUND HERE 


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