Fear is your enemy – no other way to describe it. I’m not talking about that natural life-preserving action along with a major boost of adrenalin that happens if a wild animal is coming at you. I’m talking about the fears people live with day in and day out.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
3 Simple Keys to Getting Rid of Fear
Fear is your enemy – no other way to describe it. I’m not talking about that natural life-preserving action along with a major boost of adrenalin that happens if a wild animal is coming at you. I’m talking about the fears people live with day in and day out.
Buoyant Mind --- No More Tears
Friday, 23 October 2020
Learn how to motivate others: 5 simple ways
When your friend is feeling down, it might
be very difficult for you to motivate them. But right now, they need you to be
there for them. So here are a few tips on how to motivate someone who needs the
- Be motivated yourself
You are never
going to be able to motivate others if you are not motivated yourself. So get
motivated yourself before you try and motivate others.
- Be kind
What your friend
needs right now is someone to acknowledge their contribution and self worth.
You need to learn to be kind to your friends or family. Hand out praises when
warranted. Whenever someone told you that you did a good job, didn’t that give
you a surge of pride and the motivation to do better? Well, this is the same case.
When people are treated right and their contribution are acknowledged, it’s
such a motivation booster.
- Be a good listener
Before you start
advising your friend on how to get motivated, listen to their problems first.
What is it that they are actually worried about? Let them get it all of their
chest. Once they are done, help them to break down their problems and focus on
problem solving together to find ways that your friend can solve their problem.
- Don’t judge them
If you already
motivated them, and they fail, remember not to judge them. Instead encourage
them to try again. Persuade them. Tell them that their failure is just a minor
setback and they should treat failure as a feedback for greater successes.
Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
- Keep in touch
Lastly remember
to always keep in touch with them. Check on them to see how they are
progressing. That way, whenever your friend is feeling down and out of it, you
will be right there to pick them right back up again.
So here are a few simple ways to motivate
your friends, it may be simple, but it is incredibly effective.
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Acceptance to Better your Personal Life
Saturday, 1 August 2020
August Challenge: Simplify... Organize
> Where to work
> Where to live
> What to wear
> What to eat
> Where to travel
> What to buy for our household
and so many more...
> When was the last time I used this item?
> Under what circumstances would I need it again?
> Does it add beauty and joy to my life?
> Is it a treasure that warms my heart?
> Does it augment my life's purpose, or is it simply a status of my lifestyle?
> What area needs attention?
> What benefits will you gain by getting organized?
> How much time will it take? Don't underestimate!
> Schedule an appointment with yourself to accomplish each area or zone.
> Align your goals with your priorities?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9997880
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
10 Things That Destroy A First Impression Immediately
Are you struggling to make a good impression on a date, a meeting, or a job interview? Small mistakes can make or break a first impression.
Once you’ve made a bad impression... it’s difficult to undo the damage you’ve done.
Luckily, you can learn how to make better first impressions. But first, you have to figure out what you’re doing wrong. So, let’s talk about 10 common mistakes that are ruining your first impressions right off the bat.
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Thursday, 11 June 2020
Ways to be present (Mindfulness for busy people!)
Monday, 25 May 2020
How to Stop Procrastinating (Overcoming Laziness) - Marisa Peer
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
When what you "want" doesn't make you happy | Michael Beckwith
You know, the average person thinks they know what they want, but oftentimes they're not even aware that what they think they want is not even coming from themselves. It's coming from this societal milieu you around them.
It's coming from parental fantasies. It's coming from whatever's popular in the world. It's coming from the manifestation of gross materialism or consumerism and they want something temporarily and discover. T
hey oftentimes even set goals to get these things that they want to discover when they get the goal, the happiness they thought they were going to achieve isn't there. That's called immature wanting.
And oftentimes people even use the power of visualization to get these things that they want. Not realizing that oftentimes visualization is limiting because you're only seeing that which is within the paradigm that you're living in.
And so as we're growing, developing and unfolding, we want to step into real happiness and real joy and real peace and real abundance. And that stepping into the vibration of what is called Mature Wanting. In other words, , your
Mature wanting one thing is connected with the activation of gifts, talents, and capacities that are within you. And so today you can begin to think about, think about things that have happened to you in your past where you really wanted something really bad. And when you got it, you weren't that happy with it.
And then you realize with that wanting came from someone else came from someone else's agenda about you. It came from society. Perhaps it came from a commercial on television that said, if you had this, you'll be happy.
And then ask yourself, this is an impulse within you. There's an impulse of creativity is an impulse of power, is an impulse of activation of so much joy and you want to set yourself free. So that's perennial so that what you really want in life, you really want to be more you. And what does that carry
That carries the vibration of yes, you do have magnicent quality things in your life. You have everything that is necessary for you to continue to grow, develop and unfold. But the happiness is not attached to those limited conditions.
The happiness is connected to you constantly unfolding and being more of your real self. So you did not come here to consume. You came here to share. Where do you want
You went to share yourself. You went to express your gifts, you went to give of your talents. You went to discover more of yourself.
You went to Mature , you went to Mature in your wanting. and in so doing and in so being, everything else is added on to you. Here just adds to your expression on the planet. Peace and blessings.
Friday, 24 April 2020
Thursday, 9 April 2020
How To Assess Your Life
Here is an excellent reason why you should assess your life. If at times, you do not evaluate or adjust your goals based on your purpose, or mission statement, you may spend your whole life climbing the ladder of success, only to realize, once you get to the top, that it is leaning against the wrong wall.
How can you identify your top goals? In what manner is it important to you? Why should you evaluate your life as it is today? What is working or is not? And what areas should you want to change, reset or improve?
"No one has ever climbed the ladder of success with both hands in their pockets." - Zig Z.
And yet, a lot of people do not even know there is a ladder. No one wants to find themselves stuck in an unfulfilled life, so the more reason to assess it when the little voice inside you tells you to do so.
But life does not have to be a politically correct or mundane process. You have the right to make your own choices, the ones that align with your desires and wants. By getting off the grid for a day or two, you take the time to think, reflect, assess and adjust your life. It can become a journey of purpose and passion, but you have to be very honest with yourself.
The Valued Process of Assessment
If you do not confront your life once in a while, you are destined to be stuck in something you may not enjoy for the rest of your existence. It is what happens to the majority of people. And that is why all of us, without exception, will, go or went through one or two mid-life crisis.
However, each New Year, countless people make resolutions to change but forget all about it in February. But the ideal time is anytime you feel like it, so yes, you should reflect, assess and ruminate. Yet, sadly, so many people still neglect this valued and priceless process.
In fact, I am pretty sure you heard people or even yourself say one of these statements: "It's not worth my time." "I don't have a minute to myself." "Who is going to pay the bills?" So many folks work at a job they do not like just to make a living.
Why You Should Assess Your Life
There are times when you have to rethink your life. You have to recognize where your time and effort is best spent or poorly spent. You need to identify the indicators of progress and regression.
And you must realize what your strengths and your weaknesses are.
So, when you assess your existence, it gives you a delightful sense of slowing time down. You can do more, and it leads you on the right path by correcting your journey. You can go over the best moments in your life and correct. And you internalize and keep in mind the lessons learned.
"There are three methods by which we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." - Confucius
Stay in Control of Your Life
When you act without reflecting on things, it is like driving a car without brakes. You go faster, but it often leads to a negative result. Things are mostly out of your control. So, to have the ability to stop and assess your life is what makes your journey safer, more memorable, and much more powerful.
So, assessments give you a stronger awareness and insight on how to predict challenges, barriers, and behaviors. It helps you make some necessary adjustments to what is not working. In this way, you can move forward with more determination on that which is working for you.
And as you assess your life, it brings clarity to where you should be in life. It shows you that you are or not on the right track. But most people do not ever follow their true calling, mission or purpose. Yet, what difference would it make to the world we live in if they did. There would undoubtedly be more creativity, inventions, solutions, and problems resolved!
How to Assess Your Life
- Take a day to reflect, assess and adjust your goals. It means being away from daily distractions. Go alone to whatever place you consider your cocoon of peace. Treat yourself to a time off and enjoy the process of evaluation. Remember, to live a fulfilling life, assessment is required and is beneficial to your future.
- Put away or turn off your cell phone. It is the number one reason for disturbing your private and personal time. So, you do not need your phone to assess your life; you need quiet.
- Turn off your computer if you are assessing in the same room and avoid the internet. Then, put only a pen and paper near you. Let go of everything else. Close your eyes. Re-live how far you have come and where you are now. Is it the place you want to be and really desire in your existence?
- Then record your thoughts by writing them down. Understand that writing is much more powerful than passive thinking. Remembering, learning, creativity, and commitment are way higher when physical writing on paper is required. And realize that your notes will serve as a map and source of inspiration for the adjustments you might have to make in life.
- Begin to find ways to adjust your mission to the life you have now. Ask the right questions to the right people or books. The most beautiful ideas, insights, and discoveries humans have made started by assessing their lives.
Therefore, you have to ponder, wonder, reflect, and reevaluate every time you hear this little voice of yours telling you it is time to assess your life. You will then live a much more satisfying and happy existence instead of just living through the days wondering what could be or might have been. It is your life!
Sergei VanBellinghen, Personal Growth & Success Expert, Founder of First-Class Lifestyle & SergeiVanBellinghen.com I help and teach people how to get a fresh start and have a brand-new style of living after a divorce, loss or if single. I do this by using self-development techniques to help you grow, succeed and have a better life. Remember, it's not just about growing but also about ending the routine. It's about the lifestyle of working less, living more and enjoying life! Find Out How! Visit my Website [http://sergeivanbellinghen.com] and come to discover how I can afford to stay home and travel anywhere I want.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sergei_VanBellinghen/2425572
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9868780
Here is an excellent reason why you should assess your life. If at times, you do not evaluate or adjust your goals based on your purpose, or mission statement, you may spend your whole life climbing the ladder of success, only to realize, once you get to the top, that it is leaning against the wrong wall.
"No one has ever climbed the ladder of success with both hands in their pockets." - Zig Z.
"There are three methods by which we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." - Confucius
- Take a day to reflect, assess and adjust your goals. It means being away from daily distractions. Go alone to whatever place you consider your cocoon of peace. Treat yourself to a time off and enjoy the process of evaluation. Remember, to live a fulfilling life, assessment is required and is beneficial to your future.
- Put away or turn off your cell phone. It is the number one reason for disturbing your private and personal time. So, you do not need your phone to assess your life; you need quiet.
- Turn off your computer if you are assessing in the same room and avoid the internet. Then, put only a pen and paper near you. Let go of everything else. Close your eyes. Re-live how far you have come and where you are now. Is it the place you want to be and really desire in your existence?
- Then record your thoughts by writing them down. Understand that writing is much more powerful than passive thinking. Remembering, learning, creativity, and commitment are way higher when physical writing on paper is required. And realize that your notes will serve as a map and source of inspiration for the adjustments you might have to make in life.
- Begin to find ways to adjust your mission to the life you have now. Ask the right questions to the right people or books. The most beautiful ideas, insights, and discoveries humans have made started by assessing their lives.
Friday, 3 January 2020
Thursday, 2 January 2020
Let Yourself Shine
Day in and day out, you are connecting with family, friends, co-workers, service professionals and strangers. In these connections lies the opportunity to create a positive impact upon your life and that of the other person. Whether you verbally engage, or silently brush by, you have the chance to let yourself shine! What message do you silently convey to the people on your path? Are you pleased with the energy you leave behind?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10230002
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How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
Art of goal creation -
Discover How to Unlock the 6 Invisible Superpowers You Were Born With… So That You Can Experience Greater Freedom, Fulfillment and Fun in Your Life STARTINGNOW!
What would you do if you lost everything?
Saturday, 16 November 2019
How to Declutter
• Does it belong here?
• Does it fit who I am now?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9954229
10 Ways to Declutter Your Home Like KonMari
- Simply focus on the "discarding phase," which KonMari calls the "tidy marathon." You can make it a special event with music in the background, take-out food, and soft drinks to make it an enjoyable experience as you complete your "tidy marathon."
- Miscellaneous items can be done first, since these are the most tedious. These include: books, papers, clips, miscellaneous things, knick-knacks, and whatever else you have on your shelves, in your drawers, and on your countertops.
- The next step is called the "sentimental" step which applies to those things that, for some reason or another, you can't depart from. These can be stuffed animals, roses, or gifts from exes, specific clothes... etc.
- Do not store these items at your friends, partner's or parent's home. Why burden them when you can simply throw them out, or keep them, if you are going to need or use them.
- Empty your closet. Take out everything including hangers and all miscellaneous things (i.e. caps, scarves, belts, and hanging accessories,... )
- Dump ALL this stuff (clothes, knick- knacks, and junk you may have collected throughout the years), in the center of the floor, or on top of your bed.
- For shelving ideas, you can add 2 or 3 pieces of art deco such as vases, framed photos, a lamp, a plant, but that is it! No need to clutter your shelves with things that will ultimately collect dust.
- Canisters in the kitchen may hold your basics, such as: flour, sugar, and blended coffee. You can simply place this set of basics near the counter after you've cleaned the counter space by wiping it down. If you put this simple set of canisters near the kitchen sink, you'll benefit by having them close-at-hand. This is going back to the KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) technique.
- Simplify your life by keeping each category of things in the same place instead of scattering them all over the place. For example, you can keep all your cleaning products in the same spot in the kitchen and the same goes for all your shoes which are best stored in the same spot in your closet.
- Use a cheat sheet and itemize categories. While you are going through the pile of stuff, mark off what category you've worked on so that it is eliminated from your list.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9979579
Jim Carrey Delivers one of the Best Motivational Speeches you will ever hear.
# If you feel constantly overwhelmed - like you've always got too much to do and not enough time to do it in - then you're in the...
Increasingly, I find myself talking to people who, until the pull themselves together, live in fear of the future. We migh...