Friday, 16 August 2019

What Hypnosis Can Do for You

Hypnosis – huh – what is it good for? Absolutely anything.

That might be a slight exaggeration, but the truth is that hypnosis is being used more and more regularly to treat a wide range of conditions. Apart from its well-known benefits to help people quit smoking, lose weight, gain confidence, and a host of other self-help issues, the practice is gaining wider acceptance in the treatment of illness and disease.

One of the problems with hypnosis is the word itself. It’s been hyped to the max in Hollywood movies and the like, when in reality hypnosis is nothing like that. Hypnotizing someone by asking them to look into your eyes as you swing a pocket watch back and forth will be about as effective – and as successful – as asking your bank manager for a loan you don’t have to pay back.

Hypnosis Makes You Receptive to Change

People fear the idea of hypnosis more than hypnosis itself, because they simply don’t really understand what it is. They wonder if they’ll go into a trance from which they won’t be able to wake up, or if the hypnotherapist will implant some wicked command in their mind as part of an evil scheme. But neither of these things could ever happen to anyone.

When you allow yourself to be hypnotized, the so-called “trance-like state” you enter is simply a state of focused attention. Your mind is relaxed, which makes it easier for you to accept suggestions and imagine possibilities. But you have to want to be hypnotized; you have to want to make changes in your life, or there isn’t a person on earth who can force you.

So what can you use hypnosis for? The practical applications are growing in number all the time and they include, among other things, the treatment of:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic pain
  • Pain during labor
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Snoring
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • ADHD
  • Warts and psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Hypnosis has also been successfully used to facilitate dental and surgical procedures without the need for anesthesia. When used to help people kick bad habits, such as quitting smoking or losing weight, hypnotherapy is effective in at least fifty per cent of cases. It can even be employed to lower a person’s blood pressure.

Hypnosis is a Natural State

Don’t let the idea of hypnosis keep you from experiencing it. In fact, you’ve already experienced it without even realizing! If you’ve ever found yourself daydreaming while reading a book or watching a movie, that’s exactly what hypnosis is like. You lose yourself in what you’re doing, and your attention is focused entirely on the act you’re performing to the exclusion of everything else.

During hypnotherapy, the therapist helps you achieve this daydream-like state on purpose. You shut out all external stimuli and direct your attention to a single thought, helping fire up your imagination and switch off your logical conscious mind. And that’s when you are most susceptible to suggestions.

If there’s an issue in your life you need to resolve, mental or physical, then maybe it’s time you thought about hypnosis as a possible solution. These days you can find a qualified hypnotherapist in any city, or you might prefer to tackle the problem in the comfort of your own home using hypnosis audio MP3s. Whichever route you decide to take, hypnosis could turn out to be your new best friend.

To try out hypnotherapy for yourself, for free, visit Hypnosis Live at : Free Gift 

10 Surprising Facts About Meditation

Many of us are already aware of meditation and its incredible benefits. Learning to meditate can help us to achieve a better quality of life, in the sense of improving our overall mood and lowering our stress levels. Meditation has been around for an extremely long time, but there might be some aspects you are not familiar with. If you want to know more about the art of meditation, then here are 10 surprising facts.

1. It makes you more alert
Regular meditation helps to enhance your brain function, so your concentration is vastly improved. Several studies have been carried out to test how meditation affects your concentration, and many have demonstrated that those who regularly meditate are more alert than others.

2. It makes you smart
Harvard University Medical School recently published a study revealing that regular meditation improves grey matter density within the brain. This helps to expand on your ability to learn new information and preserve it. It can also assist in controlling your emotions too.

3.  Anyone can do it
All ages can benefit from meditation. You don’t need to be a specific age, gender, or even be a spiritual person. The beauty of meditation is that it has no limits. Some schools around the world now teach their students how to meditate as its advantages can work for everyone.

4. You can meditate anywhere
While meditating in a quiet space is highly effective, some are able to meditate in any location. You can meditate while walking, travelling on public transport, or while sat at your desk. Do what works best for you.

5. There is more than one way to meditate
Many people believe that there is only one form of meditation, but there are actually many techniques. From simple breathing methods to mantra meditation, the ones you choose to explore will depend on what suits your needs.

6. You can’t control your thoughts
While meditation aids a healthier emotional state, you can’t control your thoughts. If you are going to meditate, it’s completely natural that your mind will wander to other aspects. Letting your thoughts be free is all part of meditation. The more you practise, the more positives you will see, but the key is to accept your thoughts and not push them away.

7. A few minutes of meditation can benefit
If you don’t have a lot of free time, meditating for just a few minutes can restore your life. For those new to meditation, just five minutes can really help.

8. It’s linked to mindfulness
Mindfulness meditation is a popular technique. While meditation and mindfulness are linked, they’re not completely the same.

9. It can boost your overall health
Though meditation has astonishing benefits for the mind, it can also help to boost your immunity, lower your blood pressure, and reduce tension in your body.

10. You can use audio
Using audio during meditation shapes an efficient program. Whether you prefer soft music or an audio podcast, beginners or those who struggle to focus can progress. For a free brainwave meditation audio, try Zen12 and gain an hours’ worth of benefits in just 12 minutes.

Taking the Mystery out of Meditation

For many people, the word “meditation” conjures up images of monks in a monastery, draped in long, flowing garments as they sit around in silence seeking that oh-so-elusive state of enlightenment. But, really, that’s not what it is at all.

It might surprise you to learn that you can practice meditation anywhere and at any time. In fact, if you weren’t busy reading this article, you could do it right now. All it takes is a few minutes of your time and the ability to focus on something. So why do so many people struggle with the concept?

You probably know that meditation began thousands of years ago as a spiritual practice. But we’re in the 21st century now, things have moved on a lot since then, and it’s time to get rid of the myths and old wives’ tales surrounding meditation and muddying the waters once and for all.

Myth No. 1: You need to clear your mind
If you’ve ever tried it, you’ll know this is literally impossible. The idea is not to empty your mind, but to slow it down so you can regain a bit of perspective.

Myth No. 2: You need to sit still for hours on end
Who’s got that kind of time? It’s better to meditate for 5 or 10 minutes every day than not at all. Just sit somewhere and focus on your breathing. Simple, right?

Myth No. 3: You need training to do it right
Basic meditation is achievable by anyone. You can do it as you walk to the bus or tube station, or when you’re soaking in the tub. Find something to focus on like your breathing or your footsteps. Your mind will wander, but just bring it back to what you were focusing on and… voila! That’s meditation.

Myth No. 4: You need to be a bit of a geek
Geeks can meditate if they want to, but so can everyone else. You don’t have to learn Sanskrit to do it – just sit somewhere and breathe. You’ll be joining a group of more than 30 million Americans, including NFL players and US Marines. They can’t all be geeks, can they?

Myth No. 5: It’s too difficult!
No, it’s not difficult at all. The only difficult part is getting started, finding the opportunity to meditate that first time. And speaking of time…

Myth No. 6: It takes too long
How long do you spend checking messages on your phone? Reading updates on Facebook? Watching TV? Sending Tweets? You’ve got plenty of time to spare – so take 5 or 10 minutes to do something that will seriously benefit your physical and mental health.

The secret is to fit meditation into your lifestyle. Spend a few minutes in the garden breathing in the aromas around you. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds in your neighborhood. Take 2 minutes before you get out of bed in the morning to think about the people you love. They’re all examples of simple, practical methods of meditation, and you don’t have to be a monk to achieve any of them.

Download your free meditation MP3s at

How to Create Your Own Simple Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messaging technology is a complicated mixture of many different variables that can’t be thrown together at home in some kind of DIY fashion. However, there are some simple steps you can take that will help you come up with basic subliminal message recordings.

Why make your own recordings, especially when there are so many ready-made ones available? You might want to target a specific need using your own voice, or using your partner’s voice, or using a particular musical track. Devising your own recording in this way adds that personal touch you can’t get anywhere else.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pinpoint the reason for the recording. In other words, what do you want the recording to help you achieve? What do you want to change? What’s the ultimate goal behind making the recording in the first place? Be as specific as you possibly can so that you’ll be able to fine-tune your messages for maximum impact.

  1. Write positive affirmations that fit your specific goal. Affirmations are generally short, positive, and written in the first person. If your goal is to lose weight, for example, then your affirmations might resemble these:

o   I can lose weight easily.
o   I am able to stick to my diet.
o   I am getting slimmer every day.

The more positive affirmations you write the better. You want to be able to influence your subconscious mind with as many positive and motivating phrases as possible.

  1. Put your affirmations to work on your behalf. There are two different ways you can do this:
o   Choose the 5 strongest affirmations, write them down, and repeat them to yourself every morning and night.
o   Record all of the affirmations and listen to them at any time of day when you have a few minutes of spare time.

  1. If you want to record your affirmations in a more professional manner, you’ll need to use some form of audio recording software. This allows you to layer vocal and musical tracks together, mix them up, play them backwards, pan them from left to right, and so on. Free software such as Audacity would be perfect for this.

  1. Save your recording as an Audacity file, even if you think it’s perfect. You can export it as an MP3 file to play on any device, but there may come a time in the future when you want to add additional affirmations to it. Saving it in this manner gives you the option of changing or extending the subliminal recording at a later date.

  1. Transfer your MP3 recording to the medium of your choice (CD, phone, MP3 player, etc.) and listen to it at your leisure. Best times for listening are when you’re not busy doing something else, and while you’re sleeping. Listen while you’re relaxing to give the messages a chance to make their way into your subconscious, without outside distractions making things more difficult.

The final crucial ingredient in the process is patience. If you expect to read your affirmations or listen to your messages once and completely change your life, you’re going to be disappointed. Your subconscious mind needs time to absorb the information and reprogram itself to your new way of thinking, and that takes as long as it takes. So be persistent, keep listening (or reading), and your dedication and determination will be rewarded.

If that all sounds like too much hard work, you can take advantage of hundreds of ready-made subliminal messages using the very latest technology. Check online to explore the wide range of sessions which have been specially designed to address almost every area of your life.

To flash subliminal messages on your PC, check out the Subliminal360 app at

To download your own subliminal MP3s, or create your own custom album, visit Subliminal Guru at 

Thursday, 15 August 2019

How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule

Subliminal Messages: Fact or Fiction?


Subliminal Messages: Fact or Fiction?

Get ready for a shock, a statement that might blow your mind and send you reeling in disbelief:

Subliminal messages work!

Despite some bad press to the contrary, evidence exists that proves subliminal messages can be an effective way to achieve a range of goals under certain controlled conditions. If you want them to work for you, here’s what you need to know:

  • Not all subliminal message delivery systems are created equally. Make sure you get yours from a reputable supplier who has been in business for a long time and has plenty of satisfied customers.

  • To make subliminal messages work in your favor, you need to be motivated to change. If you have a passionate desire to lose weight, to quit smoking, or to improve your productivity, for example, then subliminal messaging technology will help you achieve your goal.

  • Using subliminal messages to enable you to make changes in your life is not a cop-out. They’re just another tool you have at your disposal to break bad habits and encourage new behaviors.

Here’s another way to look at it. If subliminal messages don’t work, why is there so much information written about them? Why do so many companies provide subliminal audio and video sessions? Surely if those sessions were useless, people would stop buying them and the companies would go out of business. But that’s not what’s been happening.

The Scientific Basis for Subliminal Messages

Your brain is the most complex machine known to man. It’s so complicated in fact, that even today we don’t know all that much about it. Some things, however, have been known for centuries.

We know, for example, that humans have a conscious and a subconscious mind. In simple terms, your conscious mind is only active when you’re awake. Your subconscious, on the other hand, is always active, and that brings up fascinating possibilities.

In the course of your day, you might hear or see something for a split second. In your conscious state you don’t take any notice of it, maybe because you’re rushing to get back to work after lunch, or struggling to get your car into the supermarket car park, or focused on what you’re going to prepare for your evening meal. You’re busy, there’s a lot to do, and there are only so many hours in the day. Makes sense that you couldn’t possibly focus on every single thing that happens.

Your subconscious mind, however, isn’t burdened by those decisions. It doesn’t have to worry about tonight’s meal, or driving the car, or getting back to the office, and so it’s free to let whatever else is going on around you drift right on in. So even if you’ve been exposed to “something” for a split second, your subconscious mind stores it away and you will be able to recall it at a later date.

It Just Pops Into Your Head

Ever sat watching a TV quiz show when a question came up that you answered instinctively? Then wondered how you knew it in the first place? It happens all the time. The information goes in, without your knowledge, and then when you need it... bam, it’s there. That’s the power exploited by subliminal messaging technology – the limitless power of the human mind.

The most important thing to remember about all this is that you have to be motivated to want to change. If you really want to do something about your figure, or your health, or your productivity, then subliminal technology will assist you in getting there.

To take advantage of subliminal messages, check out the Subliminal360 app for your PC at

Plus Get 5 x FREE Brain Hacker MP3sPLUS try out Subliminal360!

Sunday, 11 August 2019

How to Change a Paradigm - #BobProctor #HowtoChangeaParadigm

$1 Million Coach: How to BALANCE Life, Work, & Success! | #1MBusiness -

How to BALANCE Life, Work, & Success

The Best Way to Learn Something New

When learning something new, the quickest easiest most successful way is to find a great coach and mentor. Recommendations are great, or Google the trainer you have in mind especially if the training involves the internet.
If you are learning anything, driving, hobbies, or even setting up a business expert advice to copy is the best way.
You need someone on hand to answer questions, offer training and monitor progress to make sure actions are followed in the right manner. Tutors work in schools, colleges and universities to teach and guide students, apprenticeships work in a similar way. Online language courses are guided with sound tracks to test yourself. Nurses are trained in hospital with supervision from superiors, in virtually all areas of life people are advised by others.
Imagine athletes perfecting their style, golfers wanting to improve their swing without a coach. They may be picking up bad habits that are hard to correct in stance or execution. the same applies to most forms of learning, even learning a language, there is usually a voice operated system to copy.
So you need to be sure the coach you have chosen is honest and trustworthy and that they offer training that suits your learning style. Video is good as you can stop and start the video as you attempt to copy the actions. which is probably why YouTube videos have become so popular. However you also need direction to guide you through the learning process
There are currently 2,000,000,000 people daily searching Google for ways to work at home. A growing popularity of the internet, the growth of the relatively new industry and the fact that computers are included in the curriculum for schools. Most families now have laptops and other similar devices.
Franchises have always been popular because of the higher success rate that support gives the venture. The training the supervision and the system to copy. Internet marketing with a good coach and mentor works in a similar way without the extortionate expense of many franchises.
I am very lucky I found a great coach when I set out to develop an online business, it made my learning curve much faster and simpler. I didn't feel so isolated or overwhelmed. Not only did I have a coach but the comradeship and support of others learning too.
Another advantage is regular training and a great range of best-selling products provided for your customers and whilst you are learning the techniques you can earn commissions too. I found it much simpler than attempting to learn it all by my-self, source best-sellers and service my customers, when much of it was done for me.
So if a new venture appeals to you look out for a great coach, take a look at magazine racks for topic ideas and enjoy your new venture.

Motivating reading:
"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers
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Let's get subliminal - Your Subliminal MP3

Subliminal Messages: How Do They Work?

You’ve probably heard of subliminal messages. There are lots of urban myths about how companies and advertisers use these kinds of messages to persuade customers to act in certain ways. The truth is, however, that subliminal messages won’t make you do or feel anything you’re not already inclined to do or feel. And, ironically, that’s what makes them such effective and powerful self-development tools.

The word “subliminal” is made up of two parts: sub, which means under or below (as in submarine) and liminal, which means threshold (as in the word limit). These kinds of messages are therefore presented “below the threshold” of your conscious mind. So even though you aren’t aware of the information, your subconscious mind picks it up and locks it away in your brain.

You Can Literally Change Your Mind

Here’s the thing – your subconscious mind is where the real power lies. Everything you think and believe is stored away in there. If you want to make real changes in your life, you have to be able to make changes at the subconscious level.

Imagine your subconscious mind is like a robot you’ve built. The first thing you do is program it to work in a certain way. Unlike any sci-fi movies you may have seen, this robot is incapable of doing anything it hasn’t been programmed to do.

Your subconscious mind works just like that. Over the years you’ve been “programmed” by the things you’ve seen, the things you’ve heard, and the things you’ve done. Your thoughts and beliefs are embedded in there, and they get fed out to your conscious mind, making you think you’re deciding all this stuff consciously… but you’re not.

That’s why so many people find it hard to quit smoking using their willpower alone, or to find the motivation to exercise more, or to lose weight. It’s almost impossible to make any real changes that have a significant impact on your waking or conscious life, unless you first make those changes at a subconscious level.

Sublimely Effective

With subliminal technology, your subconscious mind gets bombarded with positive messages that can literally change the way you think. They bypass the conscious mind completely, below the threshold, so that this logical mind doesn’t get in the way. The more your subconscious mind is exposed to these new ideas, the easier it is for you to alter your behavior, and that gives you the chance to change your programming from the inside out.

Subliminalmessages are presented in the form of audio or visual stimuli – background sounds or flashing images – that you aren’t even aware of. They sneak into your subconscious mind and start working to change your attitudes, making it easy to break bad habits and develop new, positive ones, and giving you that extra push you need to take your life in a whole new direction.

You might have enormous willpower and determination, but on their own they simply aren’t enough. That’s why so many people give up on their New Year’s resolutions after a month or two… because deep down they haven’t actually changed anything. To do that, you need to get at your subconscious mind and input the new programming that will help you change your beliefs – and ultimately allow you to reach your goal.

Download your free subliminal MP3s now at

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Change Anything with the Power of Self-Hypnosis

Whether you realize it or not, you've already been hypnotized.

It can happen when you're driving home in your car. You pull up into your driveway and find that you’re unable to remember part of the journey. You've driven the route hundreds of times, and the whole process is automatic. You don't have to give it too much thought, and that means your mind is able to drift off. When that happens, you enter a mild hypnotic trance.

So self-hypnosis isn't something you need to learn. It's something you need to learn how to control.

To hypnotize yourself whenever you want, you need to do three things. You need to get relaxed, you need to enter a mild trance, and you need to concentrate on what you want to achieve.

One of the easiest ways to get relaxed is by focusing on your breathing. A good way to accomplish this is to listen to some music or sounds of nature through a pair of headphones. This helps to shut out the outside world so you can switch your attention inward.

You'll gradually enter a mild trance state. Research shows that when you're in a trance your conscious mind is less active. That makes it possible for you to communicate with your subconscious. And as soon as you can do that, you can make suggestions that will help change your life for the better.

How do you get those suggestions into your head when you're in a trance? One method is to use positive affirmations. Simply repeat the most important objective you'd like to achieve over and over. Say it out loud as many times as you can, and then return your focus to your breathing.

1. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Pop on some headphones and listen to your favorite piece of relaxingmusic. Close your eyes and breathe in and out, slowly and steadily.

2. Focus on your breathing. Every time you inhale you're filling your body with rich oxygen, and every time you exhale you're cleansing away the stress. Keep focusing on your breathing until you feel totally relaxed and peaceful.

3. State your positive affirmations out loud. Repeat them over and over to help implant the idea firmly into your subconscious. Then return your focus to your breathing.

4. Open your eyes, take a long and deep cleansing breath, and then get on with the rest of your day.

Like so many other things in life, it all boils down to knowing what you want. You already know how to breathe, and you already have the ability to relax. So the more precisely you can pinpoint the purpose behind your hypnosis session, the more productive it will be.

Get more motivated. Stick to your diet. Manage your money more efficiently. Boost your confidence. Become more adventurous. Break a bad habit. Improve your memory. Increase your brainpower. Exploit your creative potential.

Whatever you want to change or add to your life, self-hypnosis can help you accomplish it.

For more information on self-hypnosis and its applications, check out the Raikov Effect at

Researchers Discover Secret To Boosting Your Brain Power #RaikovEffect

How fit is your brain? Is it flabby or flat-out fabulous?

If your recall or memory isn’t what it used to be or you sometimes feel fuzzy and unfocused, you may need to take your brain to the neural gym.

Emerging evidence proves you can boost your brain power WITHOUT spending hours and hours studying – no matter how old or young you are!

Getting Smarter With Age: Why You Don’t Have To Age Gracefully

For years, you’ve been told that aging is responsible for a decrease in your brain’s health and fitness.

Recent studies, however, show you can finally fight back against the aging process. You can take control of your brain and – literally – turn back the hands of time.

Best of all, today’s top cognitive specialists claim you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see a big difference … and fast.

All you need to do is try one (or more) of the tips below to improve your mental powers!

Could Boosting Your Brain Power Really Be This Easy?

If you want to pump up the health of your brain, try one of the following everyday tips, tactics, and techniques:

1.    Switch it up! Break Up Your Routine. Try taking a different route to work, eating lunch in a different spot, or reading a book as opposed to watching TV.

Anything that interrupts your habits asks your brain to make new and different connections and associations can help stimulate the production of neurotrophins, an important protein responsible for superior brain health.

2.    Have Fun. Play Games! Research shows that games that require planning ahead, including games of strategy like chess, activate and “strengthen” your frontal lobe which leads to greater decisiveness, clarity, and focus.

Other great games include checkers, tic-tac-toe, solitaire, and card games like poker and blackjack.

3.    Se Habla Español? Learn a language. Always wanted to learn a new language? Great news! Learning a new language requires a number of areas of your brain to all “cooperate” – making powerful connections all across your neural network.

4.    Are You The Next Picasso? Get Painting! Whether it’s doodling on the back of an envelope or painting the next masterpiece, it’s time to release your inner artist.

Activities like drawing and painting stimulate numerous regions of your brain – helping to boost creativity, memory, and recall.

5.    Get Off The Couch! Walk, Run, or Soar! Physical exercise of any kind helps promote neurogenesis as well as stimulates the production of neurotrophins.

So, it doesn’t matter what you do: Just get up and do something! Of course, before starting any new exercise routine, be sure to get your doctor’s approval first.

6.    Read. Yep, studies show that daily reading all by itself can help sharpen your memory, enhance your critical thinking skills, and improve your ability to focus.

Best of all, it doesn’t matter what you read – just do it!

7.    Strengthen Your Brain with Cognitive Training. There are a number of excellent brain training resources online today.

Be sure to look for science-based programs that show proof that they actually work. Sites like the Raikov Effect are a solid place to start for more information on improving brain health and function.

But, be careful: Some of the “big name” programs may look good, but lack evidence-based support to justify their claims.


Brain training is more accessible than ever before.

As you’ve seen here, it doesn’t take weeks, months or years to boost your brain power.

All it takes is a commitment to be the best you possible.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

The Human FLEE - Walking the Path via @Brian_Mayne #Goals #Gaolmapping

Brian Mayne talks about the fun of Festivals and the feeling of community at The Great Wonderfest on the Isle of Wight as part of the Walking the Path series