Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to truly start over? So many of us would love to have a fresh start in life – perhaps in a relationship, career or even our finances. Here's how you can begin.
As you reflect on your own life this Easter, which phase are you in: mountain top, new beginning or deep in a middle zone? Feel free to share your phase in the comments section below.
Sometimes, it can be challenging to let go of our history and memories so that we can enter into a new beginning – a new life.
As a student of world religions for the last 40 years, I've spent much time exploring both the historical and metaphysical meaning of Easter. Over one billion people on the planet celebrate this holiday that comes at the time of year when nature begins to spring into new life after appearing lifeless for months.
Easter: The metaphysical symbol for rebirth
As the story of Easter goes, Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and laid to rest in a tomb. To all appearances, he had died. Then, after three days, the rock at the entrance of the tomb was moved aside and he emerged, alive and well.
In the same way that opportunities in our lives sometimes seem as though they’ve passed us by, Easter represents the opportunity for a new beginning in which great and wonderful things spring forth.
You see, sometimes we feel like there's something so big blocking us in life that we're not able to move forward. It may even feel like a part of us has died, or a part of our lives is gone.
For example, a divorce, a death or the loss of a business can leave us feeling like we don’t have the power to change. A part of our lives is over, and we enter into a period of time in which the old life is gone and there's no sense of our new life yet.
I refer to this as the middle zone. This middle zone can be a very dark place, and some people stay there for a long time. Others are able to move more quickly through that middle zone and then step into their new lives.
What many people don’t recognize that the middle zone is extremely important to starting over, and they attempt a spiritual bypass. In other words, they don’t allow themselves to face their painful emotions.
However, if you don’t truly acknowledge and grieve the loss, or allow yourself to be in that middle zone for as long as it takes, you won’t be able to truly move forward. Ultimately, the way to heal and move through painful experiences is to embrace the middle zone.