Wednesday, 31 October 2018

The Secrets to Self-Mastery | Interview with @DrJohnDemartini

Full extended interview with Dr John Demartini | The Demartini Institute Dr John Demartini is a human behaviour specialist, internationally published author, educator and profound authority on maximizing human awareness and potential. Dr Demartini uncovers how business owners can gain more balance and clarity of purpose by aligning themselves with their highest values. Dr Demartini, as featured in internationally acclaimed film 'The Secret' explores the law of attraction, power of thought and application in achieving entrepreneurial success. He debunks myths on motivation and explains how negative self-talk is really the result of unrealistic expectations - a sign that we need to 'get real' with ourselves. Having worked extensively with successful business leaders and multinational corporations on professional development, leadership and profit, Dr Demartini reveals key teachings for

Monday, 29 October 2018

What most people thing Motivational speakers are like .... @nbcsnl #Funny

Could you use a 'Stop Doing' list?

By: Inez Ng

One of the tried and true organization and time-management tools is the trusty old "to do" list. I was trained to diligently put one together at the end of the day for the following day, and whatever tasks I failed to complete, to carry it forward. This system has worked well in helping me prioritize and focus. But I have also heard many of my colleagues complain about having too much on their list, and feeling very discouraged and overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on their "To Do" list. To help ease the overwhelm, I want to introduce the concept of the "Stop Doing" list.

I first read about the "Stop Doing" list in "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. He stated that one of the commonalities of the companies who were able to propel themselves from being just good to being great is that they all looked at what they were currently doing that they needed to Stop Doing. I am implementing this idea in a slightly different way, but I think a "Stop Doing" list can actually help your productivity and effectiveness.

So how do you decide what goes on your "Stop Doing" list? Here's what I suggest you do.
For the next week or two, each time you work on your "to do" list (and if you are not using one currently, I strongly recommend you start), or blocking off time for specific tasks in you planner, ask yourself this question: "does this task add value or generate positive results for me and my organization?" If the answer is no, it should go right on top of your "Stop Doing" list.

If the answer is "yes", ask yourself a second question: "am I the best person to do this task?" The first question tells you whether you can eliminate a task. This question tells you whether you can delegate a task. I know for solo-business people, you automatically think that you have no one to delegate any tasks to. But actually, that might not necessarily be true. Today, there is a whole network of virtual assistants who can handle a myriad of administrative work for you. Some accept work by the hour, and some accept work by the project. If you are interested in this resource, check out

For some people, you may have to then overcome your resistance to delegating. I've heard many of the reasons. Do these sound familiar?

  • "By the time I explain it to someone else, I could have done it myself."
  • "I can't trust somebody else to do it right."
  • "It costs too much money."

Some of these are completely legitimate concerns. However, before you dismiss the idea, consider the following:

  • Is the task repetitive so that the up-front time investment to train someone is actually worth it 3 months down the road?
  • Are you the most qualified person to complete the task, or could someone else do it in less time with less effort for better results?
  • If you didn't have to do the task, what would you choose to spend that time on, and what impact will that have on your business, or your life?
So, after considering these tough questions, add your delegated task to your "Stop Doing" list as well and send them elsewhere, and I guarantee you will feel better.

Even though I wrote this article for people struggling with overload at work, the same approach can be applied to create a "Stop Doing" list for home. Think of the possibilities - you can delegate laundry, and cooking, and yard work, and cleaning, and what else?

Seriously, the current state of our lives is that there is generally too much to do and not enough time. So, go through this exercise at least once and see what you can shed from your "to do" list. If you like the results, then establish a routine and do this every 6 months or a year. The point is that you want to spend your time on high impact tasks, and work that you enjoy.


Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Zig Ziglar - Change your attitude and it will change your life

Reminders: A Gradual Evolution

By: Philip Nicosia

One of the most vivid symbols of modern man is the image of finger with a ribbon tied around it. That image symbolizes a reminder, of not forgetting a chore, a task or an event.

One of the dilemmas of modern man is the need for reminders. We are faced with so many responsibilities, chores and roles that sometimes we forget the details. But it is precisely this failure to remember that could bring a negative consequence to the many responsibilities that we have to juggle around. We have to be effective in our responsibilities and forgetting is not an option. It is because of this that we have a strong need to look for various ways to remind us of the details.

The evolution of instruments and strategies for reminders has gone a long way. During the more low-tech years, one of the more effective methods used was by either circling important events in our calendars at home or taking note of the reminder in a small notebook. These are good instruments but it also had its limitations, most especially with the calendar-at-home method because you obviously cannot bring it with you. Busy mothers as well as working professionals are not always in one place so there was a gradual but increased emphasis on mobility and mobile solutions for reminders.

Because of the new mobility factor, diaries and filofaxes became in vogue. The added benefit of a filofax system is that you not only get to bring the reminders with you, important data like addresses and contact details of clients, friends and family members. For a long time, the filofax system and other variants like the Franklin Planner became the standard for effective time management and reminders. The fact that this system became firmly entrenched not only in corporate culture but also among home-bound but still busy family members say a lot about its effectiveness.
But it was only a matter of time before technolog
y would bring about another shift in the time management and reminder systems. The advent of personal computers had a lot to do with this gradual shift to electronic equipment for the task of giving people reminders. Operating systems gradually included alarm, appointment and reminder functions that are easy to use and operate. For the more mobile solutions, one of the earliest progenitors was the Apple Newton, Apple's doomed foray into mobile computing.

The first really successful electronic-based time management and reminder system were the Palm handhelds. The easy to use interface, the portability, and the mobility were the qualities that made it an overwhelming success. It's all in one functions (address book, reminders, appointments, word processing, games) made it very attractive to many people especially those who need the power of a computer in a form factor that would allow them to bring it on the field. The introduction of Pocket PC's

The internet age has now brought another significant change. The desire of mobile solutions has taken a different road with online reminder services that can be found on the internet. This is a more pervasive form of reminding because not only can it be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection (which is practically everywhere because of WiFi and internet hotspots), these online reminder services ( have a unique feature in that it can send email reminders to a person's mailbox on a daily basis. The reminder function now has a level of interactivity and pro-activeness that was missing from other previous solutions.

Monday, 22 October 2018

The surprising #habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant I TED

How do creative people come up with great ideas? Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies "originals": thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals — including embracing failure. "The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they're the ones who try the most," Grant says. "You need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones." TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at

Sunday, 21 October 2018

What's Your Excuse for Not Being Successful in Life?

By: David Neese

Excuses! Excuses! When we fail to do something we are expected to do, we almost always have an excuse for it. However, if we analyze it closely, an excuse is a self-destructive alibi for having failed to do something, especially when it involves attaining a goal. Instead of trying to persevere in finding ways to continue achieving a goal, some of us resort to excuses.

Even a handicap cannot be used as an excuse. Many handicapped but determined people have become achievers and champions. Instead of using a handicap as an excuse, let us turn it into an asset. Let us explore this further.

A handicap need not be a reason for failure. On the contrary, a handicap can be a reason for success. People with a handicap always have an offsetting strength that allows them to overcome problems better than others.

A person with a handicap has one obsession - to lead a normal life. Depending on the handicap, a person would prefer to be as independent as possible. So he struggles and finds ways to overcome his impediment. When he is able to achieve his goal, this raises his self-esteem. In turn, he inspires others.

Everybody has handicaps in varying forms and degree. That is why; it requires effort and determination to overcome them. Handicaps can either be physical, financial, or emotional. And they can either be real or imagined.

Whenever we look at a handicap, we almost always look on the negative side only. It's about time we take a look at the positive side of it. The positive side may be the difficult side, but it's the one worth looking into. It's the side that is going to lead us to excel in life.

If you think your handicap is physical, like having a weak body, you can counteract this through proper diet and training exercises. As long as the physical parts of your body are intact and mobile, there's no reason why you cannot make it strong and useful. Why? Even those without a leg (for example) can be made to walk or run normally. With the advancement of science, artificial legs can help a handicap function with great mobility.

It your handicap is financial, then the more reason you have to rise above your present status. And if your financial status limits your educational attainment to improve your life, the school is not the only place to learn. Certainly, there are help centers to get you started even from zero level. Once you are initially warmed up with the basics of an education, the rest is up to you. Make use of libraries. Once you are educationally equipped, use your brain and come up with creative ideas to improve your life.

If you are emotionally disturbed with negative thoughts, it is like you are sitting on a chair with wobbling legs. Try sitting on a chair with sturdy legs; meaning, look at the bright, positive side of life. Put aside negativity and start thinking positively. The only one who can stop you is yourself.

If your handicap is a combination of any of the physical, financial, or emotional type, congratulations. You should strive more to overcome them, because a double layer of perseverance results to more than double the achievement. Where the odds are greater, the prize gets much bigger. After all the efforts you have exerted, the prize of success shall be a well-deserved one.

So what's your excuse for not being successful?


Saturday, 20 October 2018

My Daughter - My Inspiration

By: Aron Wallad

My daughter Manteee (Samantha) has shown me a path that I like traveling. She has been and will continue to be an inspiration in my life. Her fearless nature and competitive qualities have swelled my heart. I am so lucky to have her as my daughter.
She loves playing softball. Her competitive nature shows up in many facets of the game. As a second baseman she dives for groundballs that have a chance of getting to the outfield. She races for fly balls and pop ups that she must get and usually does get. While batting she will take one for the team. She will allow a hard pitched ball to hit her so she can get on base. She will stand up to any pitcher, no matter how hard they throw, to get her swings in. On the bases is where she is fearless. Diving or sliding into a base with no apparent concern for her body has often scared me. Taking the the extra base when most girls just stand around has earned her a thumbs up from her coaches.

She has stepped in and played against players, in some tournaments, that are five to six years older than her. Some of these girls are over six feet tall. My daughter is five feet two inches if we put her on a stretching table. Her lack of height has been made up by her determination.. Starting for her high school team as a Freshman was quite an accomplishment. What was even better was that her coach favors Juniors and Seniors because they have more experience.

Baseball and softball have been a large part of my life. Writing this e-zine about my daughter has been a pleasure. She has made her dad proud. I feel like I am glowing inside when I watch her play. I feel like I am the luckiest father on earth.
My fantasy baseball story has come to reality through my daughter. I wanted one of my children to excel in baseball. She is the one that has carried the ball and bat. She may or may not want to continue her career after High School. That is up to her. But for now I am able to watch, admire and feel proud.

I have admired Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Willie Mays and Derek Jeter to name a few players that impressed me. My daughter has tied Derek Jeter as one of my all time favorites. They are both on my top ten list.

Feel free to pass this on to anyone you think would enjoy reading about baseball or the Hall of Fame.

Source : 

Friday, 19 October 2018

Art of Listening & Leadership - Bill Clinton Shows the Way

By: Osama El-Kadi

I attended a two days "Leaders in London" Conference end of last year. The speakers' line-up was impressive. Tuesday started with Mr Mikhail Gorbachiv (in person), Professor Marvin Zonis, Alan Leighton, Terence Conran, Lou Gerstner, Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard and many others including the one and only Bill Clinton (live via Satellite).

On the Art Of Listening and Leadership - "Something I have been trying to learn for the last 25 years" I want to share with you the lesson and the leadership by example that Bill Clinton tough us all in the conference on the art of listening.

After he made his speech, he started taking questions. I asked one too, the President and the audience were visibly amused by my name especially after assuring them that "I am the nice one".

Among the attendees there was a lady who didn't speak good English and earlier in the day when she was given the microphone to ask a question, she went on and on for 5 minutes and no one understood what she was trying to ask or say and we all laughed. When it came to Clinton question time, she raised her hand again to ask a question, the moderator warned her to be quick and to the point. The lady took the Microphone and started to rumble on and on. Again it seemed that no one understood what she was saying, people started to laugh, boo, clap their hand for her to stop. After a few minutes of this saga the moderator cut her microphone off and gave the question time to someone else. People were cheering his decision to move on, after all no one wanted to be embarrassed in front off the great president.

While all this saga was taking place and all of us laughing and disapproving of this behaviour from the lady, only one person was NOT laughing, Bill Clinton. In fact he leaned forward to the camera and put his hand on his ears and focused intently and seriously. 30 minutes passed while he answered a few other questions from the audience and when the time came to close, he said very politely; Wait Rene, before you close... Earlier on a lady asked me a long question and I would like to talk about that for a minute.
The hall dropped into silence, he continued by saying, in fact the lady made a very important point, and he went on to summarize her point which was about families in the developing world (none of the audience knew that), and he asked to be allowed to answer this important question, which he himself put together from her scattered little stories before we the audience interrupted and stopped her.
Now I began to understand at the hands of the guru of leadership and listening in practice and what he was trying to teach by his actions. When we JUDGE any one or any thing, we stop listening. It seems that the act of judgment trigger some chemicals in our ears that physically stops us from listening. Pre-judgment seems to be the mother of all sins on this planet. There seems to be no other solution to world problems but the forgotten art of listening and stopping judgement. This is what I learned that day and I hope it stays with me forever.

This was also an impressive performance by a world leader who is not only very intelligent but also listens very seriously to what people are saying.

I will never forget this incident which taught me a lot about leadership and what listening is all about and here I am humbly sharing my experience with you hoping that it adds a little to our understanding of the Art of listening.

Source -

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Motivational Art in the Office

By: Ashvin Ramasawmy

In today's business environment, motivational art has quickly become the darling of entrepreneurs. Why? Simply because it works! In short, motivational art posters/prints are photographs or drawings that carry an inspirational message that corroborates the picture. Therefore, they make the perfect office wall décor. Not only do they add some esthetics to the room but surrounding yourself with motivational art will help inspire you and boost productivity.

Here are 5 power tips when buying inspirational posters online:

(1) It does not matter having more than 1 inspirational print in your room. You can have as many as you want, as long as you don't end up cluttering your wall.

(2) Every motivational artwork will deeply influence your mood. Therefore, try to find a print that not only serves as a good office décor, but also as a therapy during hard times. For example, if you procrastinate a lot, find an artwork with a compelling statement about procrastination. This will motivate you to stop procrastinating and finally get the job done.

(3) Never ever try to decorate your wall with bare posters. They look cheap and sweetly degrade your whole office décor. Remember that motivational art is nothing short of art! Always either laminate your artwork or frame it for a better coup-d'oeil. It is also good to mention that you should only buy from companies that have an in-house framing and laminating service.

(4) Place your artwork in a strategic position where you will often come to have eye contact with it. Do not place it in your back unless you have a good reason for doing it, as in if you receive people in your office and want them to peep at it while talking to you. (... ) This helps create a friendly atmosphere and puts people at ease. You might also want to place a few in your waiting room if you have one.

(5) As far as possible, purchase "art prints" instead of "posters". Motivational art prints are printed on a higher paper grade and does not degrade easily in time. Posters are, well, just the contrary.

As simple as it might seem, the right inspiring words can make a real difference to the right person. Whatever is your objective in business or real-life, motivation is a key factor to success and having a motivational print on your wall is the first step to success.

Author Bio

Ashvin Ramasawmy is a young netpreneur who sells art online.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Mirror of Self Reflection

By: Robin J

Age creeps up on us all slowly stripping away our youth then one day we look into the mirror and the body does not seem to match the sparkle in the eyes anymore. Then we begin to look over our shoulder at our past and think I wonder what would have happened or what if I had taken this path?
The concept of there only being one life and a limited amount of time to live it is to most people like someone saying there is no Santa Claus. We simply want to believe in forever just like we wanted to believe in happily ever after as children.

You may think I am advocating quitting your job and going trekking in Africa but no that is not where this is going. Living is an art in itself it is not about time management or fit as much in as I can. It is about passion, depth, vision, love and much more.

I wish I could remember the taste of a meal long after I have eaten it, I wish I could see my partners face long after they have left, I wish I could feel my friends hug as she embraced me long after she had let go, I wish I could picture the one time my Mother said I love you long after she is gone, I wish I was so in tune with life, so aware, so enlightened that every moment was my greatest and I could feel it, taste it, and truly live it.
I do not want to wait until someone tells me there are no more moments left I do not want to feel cheated because a Higher Power took my moments away. I want to be grateful a Higher Power gave me the moment to begin with.

As youth slips away and it will slowly I want to be able to look in the mirror and see the happiness of a life lived with depth and passion etched in my face. I want to be able to feel the touch of my lovers hand as it brushed away my tears not just remember it. But unless I am truly aware truly in the moment at the time allowing myself to feel, letting go of expectations, letting go of the need to hold something back, unless that happens all I will have is a vague memory. I want more I want an imprint so strong I can carry it with me and feel it when the moments are at an end.

My wish for you is that you may look in the mirror of self reflection long before youth has disappeared. I hope you will realize life doesn't need to be filled up with things rather it needs to be soaked up for all it has to offer right now at this very moment. My wish for you is that you may experienced even for a second a state of total being when everything falls away and time stands still and you can taste the air you breath, feel the earth pulsate beneath your feet and hear the whisper of the Angels.


Monday, 15 October 2018

#MotivationsWithKen #MondayMotivation #ASMR Don't wash your jeans - - Motivations W/ @KenNapzok #Parody #Humour

Welcome to Motivations with Ken - your source for inspirations, motivations, and advice to not quite get you through the week

Spiritual New Age Parapsychology Books

by David Gau-Ghan

Many people believe that new age books are different from spiritual books, even though there are so many books available that are described as new age spiritual books. If we look at the terms new age and spiritual, we find similarities, where spiritual refers to soul or spirit and new age has been described as 'of or relating to spiritual and consciousness raising movements'. New age books encompass health, medicine, philosophy, religion and the occult. And yet, the term new age was only coined in recent decades, mainly from the 1970's. So that begs the question - is there such a thing as a New Age?

Many so-called new age books (and spiritual books) that have been written over these past few decades are emphatic that we are indeed in a new age spiritual era that is NEW in every aspect to what has come before. However, researching older spiritual books and philosophy books shows that humankind has passed through eras of high enlightenment before - inspirational times of metaphysical and spiritual awareness that equals or surpasses our current times. So is this perhaps not a new age as such, but simply a remembering of metaphysical, esoteric, inspirational parapsychology and spiritual powers that all of us possess but have temporarily forgotten. If this be the case, then perhaps a more apt term would be Mind Body Spirit.

Which brings us to another so-called new age term ... parapsychology. New age parapsychology is the study of paranormal phenomena and the term parapsychology comes from the Greek para 'beside, beyond' and psychology, derived from the Greek psyche 'soul, mind'. So, here we are back to the spiritual again or, as mentioned above, Mind Body Spirit. And yet, some people still insist that spiritual books, new age books and new age parapsychology are totally separate themes. Perhaps that's why more and more people are coining the phrase Mind Body Spirit in an attempt to mold these various terms into a more unified category.

If we look more closely at the core messages in the various spiritual books, new age books, metaphysical, esoteric, parapsychology, philosophy and even self improvement books, we often find similarities that are sometimes veiled in different terms that could all be better described as Mind Body Spirit. Yes, even philosophy books, which are essentially the belief or system of beliefs accepted as an authoritative account by a group or philosophy school, have similarities to each other and also to the more recent spiritual new age parapsychology and metaphysical esoteric books. The various philosophy books available today, which are scriptures handed down over many centuries that are the core beliefs of the world's many religions, also have strong similarities in the original message, although the interpretation of these books over the ages has led to contrasting viewpoints.

Considering the strife that such opposing views of philosophy books over the ages has caused, perhaps this new age of parapsychology, with its metaphysical, esoteric and spiritual messages and books will help break down these old belief systems that have divided humanity for so long, particularly when unified under the more acceptable catch-phrase of Mind Body Spirit. The proliferation of self improvement books alone has brought a spiritual awareness to thousands, if not millions, who seek to grow through better knowing themselves. Old philosophy books are being rewritten in more spiritual new age terminology and marketed under various terms, not only new age and spiritual, but also metaphysical books, esoteric books, new age parapsychology, inspirational books, self improvement and even philosophy books. An increasing number of these books are being grouped, on websites and also in physical bookstores, under the Mind Body Spirit label.

The overriding influence of these books is inspirational, encouraging readers to delve deeper into themselves to discover their true spiritual nature and it is encouraging to see so many spiritual new age parapsychology (Mind Body Spirit) books coming out in increasing numbers each year. 

Two such books are listed on although many readers place them into various categories. They are a mixture of metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric and self improvement books, even though they are based in a sci-fi theme. Above all, they are inspirational, told from the viewpoint of an extra-terrestrial race of Beings who are concerned about the direction we are taking. Regardless of the various viewpoints, they will easily fall into the more generalized Mind Body Spirit category and, overall, the feedback from readers has been fantastic, many of them describing the books as 'inspirational and thought provoking'. As one reader wrote 'The story slowly engulfed me, drew me in until I was on my own journey. It opened my mind, enticing me to read more. I ask, is this just a novel or a key to our future...?'


How To Plan Your Life And Know Exactly When You're Going To Nail Those #Goals via @SiamKidd

YOU NEED TO DO THIS IN THE MORNING! It Will Change Your Entire Day!

This is how you should start your day! Morning Motivation

Why You Need To Be Allergic To Negativity! @SiamKidd

You need to turn your brain into a Bouncer to eject any negative thought before it breeds into more negativity!

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Gym Motivation - Motivational Speech - @Schwarzenegger ‏

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Motivational Speech

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Mind Body Soul and Spirit Information

by David Gau-Ghan

Regardless of personal viewpoint about spirituality, many have wondered what would have happened if Saddam Hussein hadn't been stopped when he first invaded Kuwait back in the early nineties?
Well, this story explores that scenario to its surprising conclusion and then reinvents the scene time and again in a sequence similar to 'Groundhog Day' but in a mind, body, spirit theme. The result is a story that has led many readers to question their concept of so-called reality!

I initially believed I was writing a fictional story about angel ET benefactors influencing our world. But when I completed the first book, The Blue Star Millennium, many readers were convinced that the depicted world events had actually happened, even though recorded history shows a different outcome. That's when the concept of an alternative reality suddenly gelled into the possibility that world events could change depending on the will of the masses.

As far as I was concerned, I was simply writing an inspirational mind, body, spirit story about angel extraterrestrial intervention, but I didn't know where the story was going until it unfolded before me ... and I have to admit, I was surprised at some of the content.

The story largely centered on the Gulf War and the changing of events under the influence of a benevolent, angelic race of Beings in the form of extraterrestrial benefactors. The central character in these books is an angel who integrates with human society under the watchful influence of his mentor, the White Star.

Many who have read these esoteric books have queried whether the White Star is real ... and if so, did he help change world events in keeping with the will of the masses - the ones currently inhabiting our world ... You and me? From that angle, did he also influence my writing in a more spiritual slant?

To be honest, I don't know!

If he did, I am grateful that he shared this metaphysical knowledge, but a little confused why he would choose me. I'm just an ordinary guy who grew up on the rougher side of town with few privileges, and new age spirituality was not part of my upbringing. I've had my share of knocks that life tends to deal out to all those who walk this earth. However, I've also had my share of unusual (for want of a better term) experiences ... but I'm getting off the track here.

If we take this concept of ET extraterrestrial angels to its logical conclusion, are we not all such Beings? After-all, we are simply visiting this planet for a short while to experience our individual lessons and then we depart - so how can we say that we are of this planet? We simply inhabit a body here temporarily so that we can function in this world.

So, whether these metaphysics philosophy books are influenced by extraterrestrial angels, or resulted from my own tapping into the higher consciousness that is the source of us all ... what is the difference? The result is equally fascinating and the concepts that these self improvement stories present will challenge your view of life as you know it.


Thursday, 11 October 2018


Almost everyone wants to be successful, right? So then why isn't everyone successful? The answer isn't a simple one, and there are numerous circumstances that determine the obstacles and opportunities one faces in life. Which country you are born in, whether you have access to a good education, and the resources available to you via family and friends, are all factors. But then what about attitude and behavior? Can the way we think and act also influence our chances at success? That’s what we’ll be looking at today, in this episode of The Infographics Show: What Do You Need to Be Successful? These are things you should do to be successful!

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, - @IAmMarkManson How to Care Less What Everyone Thinks About You -

Learn how to care less about what everyone thinks with the help of TridentLion

Law of Attraction – Five simple steps system that can change your life & your bank account

Yes, the law of attraction can be called by some a miracle. It is not miracle or magic, what it is a natural law that you too can tap into to change your life. Only if you are ready! 

Let me first test how ready you maybe? If I told you I can have the life of your dreams how ready are you for that today? Are you really ready to change your life and willing to put in the time and effort that it is needed? How much time? As little as the time a 10 minutes a day every day, 365 days per year? If you say you’re too busy right now or too much going on right now, in your life and not willing to change. Come back to me and my teaching when you’re ready! Even I had to be faced with great hardship before I was ready for this knowledge. I was ready for almost anything and extremely open-minded. I had nothing to lose but everything to gain.

This has been called the secret; in fact, this is no secret it has been within humankind for 5000 years! I have seen this quote in the Bible, and quoted by Jesus, Buddha, and many others! How does this law of attraction work? It is a belief that we all are able to transmit vibrations. Only, if you place your mind in harmony with what you want. That law of attraction states that like is attracted to like. If you put your mind in a vibration for money, money will come. The same goes for success, love, health, luck. We want to take advantage of abundance and prosperity.

We all know about the power of prayer, what’s about the power of positive affirmations? In physiology, it is called cognitive therapy, that your thought will have a huge impact on your outcomes in life. You’re trying to reprogram your thinking through what is known as auto-suggestion. You will have your subconscious reprogrammed. So that you can become a millionaire, find the perfect love, and have great success in life, or something as simple as a new car.

At this point is where physiology and metaphysics depart. It is believed that you’re subconscious will communicate with the universe to obtain your desires. The universes will help bring your desires to reality. Now that doesn’t mean you don’t have to meet the universe halfway, or it will not work. The universe will send you a sign, to tell you when it is time to take action. It can come to you in any form or the idea just pops into your head, just out of thin air. You can see a sign of a name or numbers that seen to always come to you in your life. It can pop up on the internet, TV, radio on your way to work, etc.

The next part is visualizations: you think, feel, and see yourself as a millionaire, or have your dream job, or find the love of your life all in your imagination. Adding emotions to your immigration is a very powerful tool to manifest your dreams.

So what do you need to get started the first step is easy. You need to have belief and extremely strong desire to make your dreams a reality. You need to want something so badly that you can taste it, feel it and in your mind already have it! How do you believe in something so strongly? You have to soul search to figure that on your own. If you still need help you can use numerology or astrology to help you find your path in life. So follow your dreams, not someone else's dreams. If I tell you can become a millionaire what are you willing to do to reach that goal? Everything has a price and you are going to be able to pay that price? What are 10 minutes a day? In a year that is 60.83 hours! You can pay a little bit every day.

You start with the power of pray, next power of positive affirmations; such as "I am healthy, wealthy, successful, and wise 2 times daily". Add your own positive affirmation for your personal goals. Remember they need to be in the present tense. The third part of this exercise is to have imagination, to think as if you’re healthy, successful, wealthy and wise.

The second step: is to have a positive outlook on life. I don’t care how bad your life looks it can only get better, right? If you ever been down or feeling blue think of things that make you positive. Listen to music you enjoy, do activities that you enjoy. You have the power to change your mood and your thinking.

The third step: is to be generous to others meaning giving your time to help others. You can give money to help others as well, or you can give more time to work with your employer. This does come from the idea that we can be a reward for helping others by tenfold. So you have to pay the price. Even if it takes years or months to get your repayment back, the universe pays you back with compounded interest. Longer it takes the more interest you will earn.

The fourth step is to be thankful for everything in your life and your families life, your job, your home, car, pets, I mean everything in your life! Even when you have manifested that you wanted, keep being thankful so more will come to you.

The fifth step: treat and heal your body, mind, and soul. I recommend mediation find one that is right for you such as yoga, transmittal mediation, and the simple mediation to just clearing your mind. This will stop you from stressing, and if you heal your mind you will, in turn, heal your body and soul. It’s also part of your total transformation is to start eating healthy and make sure you do some type of exercise at least 3 times a week. All right this part will take more than 10 minutes, but take this part slowly and over time you will grow and see why I recommend this to you. We have blockages in our body that can prevent us from sending out vibrations to the universe. The use of this step is to clear your body of these blockages and will even increase your vibration and can manifest what you want even faster.

Who am I to teach you about the law of attraction? 3 years ago, I had made some hard financial decisions. I was not able to buy a new car and I was struggling to pay bills. But today I have my life has been realigned. I am working a job that I like and the money follows. And I know that since I do what I like, the money will come later for the job. I am driving in a luxury car and now have too many cars. I don’t have to worry about money any longer; I am going on exotic vacations. 3 years ago this life would be the impossible dream today it is the reality. It is part of my soul mission in life to help others and to become a teacher, counselor, and healer. How do I know this? I have study Numerology it teaches what is my life purpose in life. I also paid hundreds of dollars for group seasons and personal session to learn the same information in about 10 minutes. I also have studied the law of attraction, developing physic abilities, and crystals.

Change your thinking and you too can have a better life. You can enjoy and live the impossible dream. You have to start with these steps I have outlined and live the life the universe intended you to live.

If you need help to get started I am willing to coach you for donations. The donation does not have been immediate. After I change your life you can give me a donation at that point. If you don’t pay me the universe will make sure I am fairly compensated. I do offer financial coaching that I use my own teaching even to this date. But the law of attraction was an experiment that had far outperformed my financial strategies. My own strategies were based on proven techniques. But, this would have taken 10 or 20 years to achieve this level of success that the law attraction brought me in 3 years. Some of my dreams have not been manifested as yet. But they are coming!

Note from the author: If you are trying to manifest love of a specific person there is a blockage known as free will. The universe will not override someone free will. Money does not have free will, people do. It is not a waste of time for your prayers, positive affirmation, and visualizations because these are spiritual energy and will be stored until that person is ready. It will manifest. We do have soul mates out their, that might not be ready for you. But in your heart and soul, you just know. If you’re in this situation I do feel for you. But you have to have faith and believe that the universe maybe testing you on your resolve. If it does not come in this lifetime it will come in the next lifetime.


Sunday, 7 October 2018

Social anxiety: How to rewire your confidence and be a better communicator | Andrew Horn

One of the most important aspects of meaningful conversation is listening. If you’re asking important questions and not listening, you’re not having a conversation at all; you are giving a soliloquy. So one of the easiest ways that we can practice active listening and avoid a conversation dead-end is to make sure that we are “turning” the conversation more than we’re “taking” it. So I’ll give you a quick example. So my sister just comes back from Thailand and she says, “I had amazing trip. We went to the north and the beaches in the south.” So here’s what a “take” would sound like. It’s like, “Oh I went to Thailand last year. We went to the beaches too.” So do you see what you just did? You just directed that thing right into a dead-end, and now it’s going to stop. So what a “turn” looks like is you get to say, “Oh wow I went to the beaches as well! What was your favorite part?” And so that simple turn shows them two things: that you heard what they said and that you care enough to ask a follow-up question. And I promise you that the best conversationalists always turn the conversation more than they take it. Because often times what happens is that it’s not our first question that is going to get the answer or the depth that we desire, so if we commit to turning the conversation back three and four times we’re going to peel off those layers and get more depth out of our conversations. So always remember turn the conversation more than you take it, and you’re going to avoid those conversation dead ends. When we move past asking better questions we move into the “metamorphic two-step”. And this is all about presence. And presence is so important in conversation. You’ve all said this before, “She has such presence.” “He has such presence.” Presence is that embodied existence in the moment, it’s when you’re only responding and reacting to what’s happening right now. There’s no story from the past, there’s no fear of the future, and it’s a magical thing when we can create that in conversation. And one of the easiest ways to do that is something called the metamorphic two-step. And the metamorphic two-step is actually a hypnosis technique that will help you to identify how you want to feel in social situations. So I learned this from my friend Andrew who is a hypnotherapist here in New York City, he works with a lot of the Fortune 500 brands, the quickest growing startups. And basically what he talks about with some of these leaders is helps them to identify where they have anxiety in their leadership roles and helps them to overcome that and really achieve peak performance. And so when I first met him I said, “Okay so how would you use hypnosis to alleviate something like a social anxiety?” And so what he would tell me is he’d say, “Okay, so what I want you to do is think about a social situation where you might have some anxiety.” And I would say, “Okay I’m going into a big tech conference with a bunch of really influential people and I might be nervous.” And he’d say, “Articulate the undesired state of being. What is that?” And so I’d say, “I’m worried that I won’t have anything to say, I’m worried that they won’t think that I’m high up enough to actually care about what I’m going to say, I’m not going to add value.”

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Friday, 5 October 2018

Stop Procrastination via @vancouverrealtv

How do you stop procrastination? According to Terry, mental health is a matter of managing energy. One thing he’s learned in his own personal experience is this: don’t fight your instincts. Allow yourself to procrastinate if you feel the need, but when you start to feel antsy, listen to that also and do something.

How Gratitude Can Be Your Partner in Life

By: Sonia Devine
Are you constantly struggling with life? If so, you might be focusing on all the wrong things. Practising daily gratitude will help you to turn your life around. Want what you have and what you want will come to you!

Gratitude is one of the most important things you can practise if you want to manifest unlimited wealth. One of the best ways to keep abundance and wealth flowing into your life is to give thanks for what you have today. By focusing on what you already have, you allow yourself to receive even more, so it is really vital to practise true gratitude.

We live in a world that focuses on instant gratification. If we don't have the money for something that we want to buy right now, then all we have to do is go to the bank and they are more than happy to loan us the money. As a result, many people are inundated in debt, and they become trapped in a never ending cycle of wanting, buying, and then spiralling deeper in debt.

When we get stuck in this cycle, we are constantly wanting things that we don't have, and in the process, we forget to appreciate what we DO have; Every day, we remind ourselves of what we are missing in our lives, and we can't begin to grasp the concept of gratitude. Instead, we say:

"When I have everything I want...THEN I'll be grateful!"

But that is not the way the Universe works....

Are you always comparing what you have with what others have, or wishing you could have what is advertised on TV? Or perhaps the people who live next door have a better car, a nicer house and more "things to play with" than you. Of course, it doesn't help when pictures of the "perfect family" with the "perfect life" are right on that TV screen in front of you every day. Do you feel deprived, frustrated or angry because you don't have what seems to be on offer to everybody else?

Whatever your situation is, focusing on what is lacking in your life is the single most effective way to ensure that you remain in a
state of scarcity.

You might ask this question: But How Can I Show Gratitude When I Don't Have What I Want Yet?. And that IS a good question; so here's a good answer: Make A Habit Of It.

Now, if you have become accustomed to only seeing scarcity all around you, then my guess is that gratitude will be the last thing on your mind. So the suggestion I am going to make may be difficult for you at first; I would even go as far as to say that you may feel a bit resentful about having to do it.
Some people don't want to take responsibility for the fact that they are not doing well financially. It's so much easier for us to blame other people and outside circumstances for our lack of wealth; because if it's all other people's fault, 

then we don't have to do anything ourselves in order for "things to change".. right??

Well Okay, that's fine if you're happy for things to remain exactly as they are now. But if not, why not give this a go? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! So make a commitment to change the way you see your life. Take stock of everything you have. You might be surprised and even amazed at all of the little things that you forgot are so special to you.

Begin by writing of all the positive things you have in your life. Who loves you? Who are your friends? What about your children. How do they light up your life? These are just a few things that we forget about that add so much value and joy to our lives.

Practising gratitude each day will remind you of the good things in your life. Now, I don't want to sound like a Pollyanna, but this is worth a try! If nothing else, it will help you feel better about your current life circumstances. Add something new to your gratitude list each day, and you'll be amazed at how many great things you will be able to think of once you develop this skill!

When you are grateful for everything you already have, you open yourself up to attract more great things. The Law Of Attraction always makes sure that this will happen. Thank the Universal Source for everything you currently have, and you will invite and allow even more prosperity to come to you. Make gratitude a part of your daily routine....and witness miracles in your life!

Author Bio
Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on attracting wealth, self image, love, relationships, phobias and much more on her website Manifest Your Success

Article Source:

Thursday, 4 October 2018

How To Stop Anxiety Attacks - 2 Quick Tips To Treat Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are usually accompanied by shortness of breath and pain in the chest. Victims of anxiety attacks should have the basic knowledge on how to stop panic attacks so that any further damage can be avoided. Usually, sufferers inaccurately assess the situation as heart attack, thus leading to further anxiety, which is not helpful at all. In order to combat anxiety attacks, one must keep a strong mind in order to eliminate the anxiety and stop the attack within minutes. There are some basic techniques that can be done by everyone to stop panic attacks.

Mental and Psychological Aspects: How to Stop Panic Attacks

As they all say, it is all in the mind. Hand in hand with the physical aspects, victims should consider strengthening his or her mental or psychological aspects. This will pave the way towards effectively eliminating anxiety attacks. The following techniques can do wonders:

• Eliminate the hardships and pain by clearing one's mind of any thoughts. This is the most practical way of eliminating any kind of fear and this works well for anxiety attacks. Believe it or not, it can be a very liberating experience because you are freeing your mind of all the fears and negative thoughts.
• Maintain a positive outlook at all times. This is an effective preventive mechanism. By allowing positive thoughts occupy your mind, chances are, you will no longer feel any fear. Negative thoughts can be successfully driven out of your system. The simplest way of doing this is by revisiting praises that you have received recently or by recalling the remarkable events in your childhood.

Physical Aspects: How to Stop Panic Attacks

By controlling some important physical aspects, one can avoid further sufferings caused by anxiety attacks. Here are some of the most effective techniques on how to stop panic attacks that are connected with the sufferers' physical aspects:

• The basic rule: Relax your body and keep your eyes shut. This may sound very simplistic but it can go a long way. By removing stress of any sort in your body, it will be easier to control other aspects that contribute to the situation. According to reports, simply closing one's eyes can do wonders because it can stop the attack right there and then. When the victim gets to successfully relax, his or her brain will no longer entertain any negative thoughts. This can lead to successfully stopping the attack.

• Learn the proper breathing techniques. Proper breathing can spell the difference between success and failure in combating panic attacks. Experts suggest the victim to hold his or her breath for around 7 to 8 seconds. Also, when breathing in, make sure that the victim is holding as much as he or she can. In addition, one must breathe in and out from the bottom of one's chest.

These are just some of the effective ways on how to stop panic attacks. Simple problems often call for easy solutions. When having a panic attack, the first rule is not to succumb to the panic. These techniques will definitely help you through.
