Sunday, 30 September 2018

Start Again Today - Religious

By: Delishia Davis
Pastor DeLishia Davis is a methodist pastor in northern Virginia. She is also an advocate for domestic violence victims.

My dear brothers and sisters, there is a power that each believer can receive and attain from Almighty God. According to the Bible, we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It is a daily process – we all sin, we all make mistakes and we all fail to do some things that are required of us yet we serve a God that looks beyond our faults and sees our needs. Our greatest need in this Christian journey is the forgiveness of Almighty God, that we may walk in wholeness in our relationship with God.

I spoke with a new convert a few days ago that felt she was a terrible person. She went on to explain to me all of the things she used to do, and why she could not be made whole. She felt there was a level to the forgiveness of God, and that she definitely could not attain it. However, as we continued in the conversation, I shared this scripture with her. "No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it." There is absolutely nothing you can do that God does not have power to deliver you from and that God will not forgive you. She received this word, and now is experiencing a joy that she has not experienced before. Today you too can experience a new height of joy and peace in your relationship with Almighty God.

Forgiveness is a gift from God that will allow us a new beginning. You may have done extreme negative things in your life, but we serve a God that specializes in transforming the negatives to the positives. You may have given up at some point, but we serve a God that will exercise power to renew your faith and restore your joy. You may have guilt from the past and pain in your present, but we serve a God that washes and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

Today is your day. On this day, God wants to remove the stain of your sins and to give you a clean state. After all, you are his child and his ambassador. Let the blessings of the Lord abide in you today and be renewed that you may reach a higher plateau in your faith.

Let us pray. Almighty God, thank you for your divine power. I admit that I have sinned, and I seek your forgiveness now for all that I have done, thought and felt. Please purge me from my sins and unrighteousness, and afford me a new opportunity to walk with authority in your will. I bless your name for your mighty acts and your loving kindness, in the name of Jesus. Amen


Saturday, 29 September 2018

How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene

Mastering any physical skill takes practice. Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. But what does practice actually do to make us better at things? Annie Bosler and Don Greene explain how practice affects the inner workings of our brains.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

The Invisible Force - self-image – enables you to achieve great goals | Dan Lok | TEDxStanleyPark

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve their goals consistently, while others fail consistently? Dan Lok wondered this same thing and began a relentless search to find the answer. What he discovered was an invisible force that stops people from achieving their goals. He also discovered a simple way of overcoming this roadblock and enabling people to achieve their goals.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Build Your Social Support Network

By: Linda Dessau

First, let's talk about why social support is important and why it matters to your self-care. Research has shown that a lack of social support (isolation) can contribute to an ongoing state of chronic stress, which will negatively impact your immune system and put you at risk for dangerous conditions.

Now, what can strengthening your social support network do for you? Social support can improve the functioning of your immune system, protecting you from disease, and it can increase your vitality, decrease your stress and improve your self-esteem.


STRENGTH - Make sure that you're not counting on one or two people to provide all the support you need. That can be hard on them, and on you (if they're suddenly unable to be there for you). Reach out regularly to several people. 

VARIETY - Similarly, having many people in your support network gives you access to their different skills, perspectives and experiences. 

COMMON GROUND - If you're dealing with a particularly difficult challenge or have a very specific goal, then finding and regularly interacting with others in the "same boat" can have extremely beneficial results. Whether it's finding out how others have handled a situation, or sharing some of your experience, groups like this can be a great boost to your self-care program. 

SOMETHING TO REACH FOR - Make a point of building or strengthening your relationships with people who inspire, encourage and support you, and who empower you to grow and to be your best self. For instance, someone who is very committed to his or her own self-care will inspire you to make positive self-care choices. And someone who is very loving and supportive will help you to feel good about yourself.


1. Call or write when things are good as well as when they're not. Sharing your gratitude and appreciation can help to deepen your relationships and will also intensify your good feelings.

2. Be open to new people. You never know when someone new is going to come into your life or the unique gifts they will bring. I believe that sometimes we're meant to connect with certain people only briefly - so instead of thinking, "I don't have time for a new friend,", go with your heart and get curious about what you can learn from interacting with this person.

3. Offer to help. Whether it's people you know or people you haven't met yet (i.e. through a volunteer position), helping others can be a wonderful boost for your own self-care. AND remember that YOUR self-care still comes first!

4. Live by the Four Agreements, as created by Don Miguel Ruiz - Be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions and always do your best. For more information about the Four Agreements, visit 

5. If you don't feel like talking to anyone, talk to someone. Sometimes we choose to be isolated. It can be really difficult to reach out when we feel like this. Do it anyway.

It's important to remember that your social relationships can also have a negative impact on your self-care. Unspoken truths, unintentional sabotage, or continuously taking on the role of care-giver can all add stress and affect your commitment to self-care.

So instead, nourish your positive relationships and keep your social support network strong and working for you.

Author BioLinda Dessau, BFA, MTA, CPCC is a self-care expert, accredited music therapist and certified life coach. Learn more about using singing for stress management, personal growth and spiritual development at, where you can download the FREE report, "Top 10 Ways to Sing Out Your Stress".


Monday, 17 September 2018

Why We All Need Pain | @TonyRobbins

What do you think of when you hear the word “pain?” Most likely, you feel apprehensive. You envision suffering, heartbreak and loss. We don’t often think of pain as a helpful emotion, but sometimes, it can be. When we experience something tough in life, whether it’s not getting chosen for a promotion or experiencing a divorce, we often turn inside ourselves. It’s easy to feel sad and let pain take over our lives, putting us into a depressed state. But what if instead of falling into a state of sadness or feeling overwhelmed, you decided to view pain in a different way? We often want to skip over feeling pain entirely, choosing instead to work toward joy or a sense of closure. But pain can lead to growth. Pain teaches us powerful lessons about resilience. Pain teaches us that although we can’t control every event in life, we can control our emotional response to any event. Say for instance you’re dealing with a broken heart. On the surface, this is incredibly painful and tough to go through. But take a step back: Through your sadness, you now have an opportunity to reconnect with yourself. What made you feel joy in your last relationship? What things do you wish you could change about your relationship? Take your answers and feel empowered by them. When you feel ready to start dating again, you now know more about what type of partner you’re looking for and more about your relationship ideals. Utilize feelings of sadness and pain in order to create a positive change in your life. Yes, pain is difficult to experience, but if you accept that the feeling is temporary and that you could learn from it, you’ll be able to handle it with much more grace and humility. Decide today to experience pain in a new way. Instead of letting yourself feel like a victim, change your story. Become empowered by feelings of pain and suffering, and turn this sense of loss into renewed energy to learn more about yourself and your relationship to others.

Unleash the Power Within

 Do the Tony Robbins experience

Saturday, 15 September 2018

How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch

We'll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Too many of us deal with common psychological-health issues on our own, says Guy Winch. But we don’t have to. He makes a compelling case to practice emotional hygiene — taking care of our emotions, our minds, with the same diligence we take care of our bodies. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki's Top 10 Rules For Success (@theReal...

Save Yourself: How Reports Templates Give You Time and Money


Did you know that reports templates can save your company time and money?
Companies can spend up to 30% on inefficiencies. You can start to eliminate efficiencies in your business by using templates.
Think of all of the documents and reports that you create. How many of them are created multiple times?
If you find that you and your employees are creating the same documents over and over, keep reading to learn how to use templates to save time and boost productivity.

Reports Templates Save Time

Your employees probably spend more time formatting reports than they do writing the content.
Templates support your employees because most of the work is already done for them. They don’t have to decide things like where the logo should go.
They also don’t have to worry about the fonts, font sizes, margins, creating a cover page or heading styles.
They just have to deal with the information that goes into the report. That means that they save time and stress in creating reports.
Your employees’ time will then be freed up so they can work on other, more important projects.

Templates Save Money

Most companies spend between 15-35% of annual revenues on payroll. If they’re spending less time generating reports, how much money can that save your business?
Also, remember the human error factor. Reports that are manually generated are vulnerable to human error, such as typos.
There’s an additional cost of going back to correct reports. There are also potential costs to your business if important information (think sales forecasts) have incorrect information.
If you were to make business decisions based on misinformation, it could cost your company even more in the long run.
Reports templates can give your company an edge when it comes to training new employees. You can create fields and embed instructions in the fields. New employees can generate quality reports from day one with very little training.

Templates Impact Your Brand

As an added bonus, reports templates can create a good impression for your company and your brand.
eLearning companies use templates to help them create a consistent look across course templates. You can do something similar with your templates.
Let’s say you asked three people to create the same report to send to customers. Each report looks a little different.
If the same customer gets different reports, what kind of impression of your company will they have? Your company can appear to be unorganized and it can leave customers to wonder what’s going on in your organization.
Using templates will give your company a consistent look and your employees will have more confidence in presenting the information to clients.

How You Can Use Reports Templates

Templates can be used in many applications and across all industries.
For example, a personal trainer can use reports templates to create exercise programs and client progress reports. Oil production companies can create a production spreadsheet template to track investor production reports and oil gauge reports.
Other uses of templates include:
  • Meeting agendas
  • Timesheets
  • Employee Schedule
  • Invoices
  • Project management
  • Expense forms
  • Contracts
  • Call logs
  • Budgets
  • Inventory Management
  • Sales projections
Reports templates can be used in virtually any application. To choose what should have a template, think of the documents you and your employees use most often. Anything that’s created more than once should have a template.
You can create another level of prioritization by department or who sees the reports. For example, you might place a higher priority on customer-facing reports than in-house reports.

How to Design Effective Reports Templates

After you’ve gathered your list of reports and documents that require templates, it’s time to start building them.
Bill Gates said, “The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”
When you design your template, you want to make sure you’re making it as efficient as possible. That means that you’ll need to create a template with a purpose.
Start with the first report you’re going to create a template for. In this example, it’s a sales projection report.
You’ll need to ask yourself what the goal of the template is. Answer from the reader’s perspective and from the writer’s perspective.
From a reader’s perspective, a sales projection report can help manage inventory and cash flow for the coming months. From a writer’s perspective, it gives a sense of the sales department’s current performance and can be compared to previous years.
Now ask yourself what the most critical information that needs to be in the report. You might include projections for individual sales reps and sales numbers from previous years.
Decide what information must be manually entered and what can be automated in the template. This step is important because it will force you to look at any inefficiencies in creating the report. You can then eliminate them.
If you find that there are fields on your report that are open to interpretation, you’ll want to make sure that these fields have added instructions for users.
Now that you have that information, it’s time to start designing the report. In this step, it’s important to think from a reader’s perspective.
What information will they want to know first? You can design the template so that important information stands out with bold text or highlights. Then you can decide on the fonts, font size, logo placement, and size.
You can also decide on the margins for the reports and what goes in the headers and footers. You may have to refer to your marketing department or your company’s brand book for this step.

Template Reports Are a Great Investment

Template reports are a smart investment for companies who generate the same documents over and over.
They may be a significant investment of time and resources to start, but they also have a big ROI. They can also create a positive impact on your brand. 

Read our blog if you’d like to learn more ways to improve your : brand.


Thursday, 13 September 2018

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within is coming to London! - @TonyRobbins

Link to the Event!Link to the event


Are you hungry for something and you won’t settle for less? Looking for the competitive edge?
Do you have the will to WIN? The drive to overcome any obstacle? Whatever you call it, Winners will always find a way!

5 Unique and Healthy Ways to Break a Smoking Addiction

You may smoke, but that doesn’t mean that you’re happy to be a smoker. Smoking addiction affects a lot of people and many wish that they could drop the habit altogether.
According to a survey from the American Cancer Society, 70% of the participants want to stop smoking. Giving up smoking can be one of the most challenging things you do, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible.

Ending Smoking Addiction

If you want to stop smoking, there are a variety of things you can do to help get rid of your habit. People have used mental tricks, products, and even medical help to stop their habit.
Are you ready to stop smoking? Any of these five methods could help you finally quit for good.


Are you close to giving in to your tobacco craving? Instead of taking a smoke break right now, just wait a few minutes. It may sound crazy, but those few minutes can help do a lot to stop a craving in its tracks.
Spend 5-10 minutes doing something else. Check your e-mail, look at social media, or basically do anything to get your mind off of your craving. After awhile it should pass and you won’t feel the need to smoke anymore.

Deal With Stress Constructively

Smoking and stress almost work together hand-in-hand. A study from the Pew Research Center shows that a lot of smokers struggle with stress, and those stressful feelings cause them to light up more cigarettes.
If you’re a stress smoker you need to find a different way to handle feelings of stress. Some people find that using a stress ball helps them. Others have used yoga or meditation to center themselves and fight off cravings.

Find New Routines

Some people like to end their lunch breaks with a cigarette or two, and others need a smoke before they go to sleep. Smokers that fall into routines can have trouble quitting because it became a part of their daily schedule.
Finding a new routine can help you break your smoking habit. Replace your scheduled smoke breaks with new routines that are satisfying.
Instead of having that post-lunch smoke, take a quick walk to energize yourself for the next half of the day. Consider having a snack instead of a smoke before bed.

Think About Natural Remedies

If you want to quit smoking, mother nature may be able to help.There are a variety of herbs and other natural things that can help break your smoking addiction.
Cream of tartar health benefits have been touted by naturalists for years, and it can also help you quit smoking. Ginseng has also been known to help combat cravings.

Reward Yourself

Quitting smoking is tough, and even just slowing down your habit is a cause for celebration. Quitting comes with a variety of health benefits, but small rewards along the way can make it easier to end your smoking addiction.
If you just went your first day without smoking, treat yourself to a fancy coffee in the morning. If you’ve gone weeks or months without a cigarette, it may be time to buy the new pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing.

Your Turn

What helped you end your smoking addiction? Did we miss your favorite method to break habits? Tell our readers about it in the comments!


Benefits Of Reading

Why is it that 75% of self-made millionaires report reading at least 2 books a month? The benefits of reading may be the cause of massive success for thousands of people.

Reading is like taking a supplement for your mind

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

How To Cure Stress Eating

By Hannah Levi
Do you often turn to the refrigerator for comfort? Do you find yourself eating for emotional reasons rather than because of actual hunger? Then you need to cure stress eating before it starts to really take a toll on your body and your health.
Unfortunately, the fact is that most of us (unless you are particularly health conscious) turn to eating as a response to our negative feelings even when we are not actually hungry.
Boredom, loneliness, stress, low self-esteem are among some of the negative feelings which tend to lead us to overeating and consuming unhealthy produce. The result is almost always a general feeling of unhealthiness and unwanted weight gain.
However, if we search for the real emotional reasons behind our compulsive eating habits then we can heal ourselves and at the same time break this terrible habit. And yes it is a habit and not a disease, so there is definitely no reason at all that you won't be able to break it.
If you are eating because friends are persuading you to do so (like convincing you to eat a calorie-stuffed dessert) then explain to them nicely that you personally feel much better when you take care of yourself. Good friends will always understand and they will also respect you for it in the long run. So no need to feel self-conscious.
To be honest the most important factor involved to cure stress eating (or emotional eating as it is also called) is to identify that you have a problem. Once you've identified it the battle is halfway fought. OK sounds good, but how do we break the habit.
First of all try to identify how you are feeling every time you eat. If you are feeling negative emotions then try doing something else first to relieve them like going for a walk with a loved one, writing a letter, or doing some kind of hobby that you enjoy. Exercise is also good for releasing negative energy and usually after exercise the body automatically wants healthier food.
Try to find a friend who also suffers from stress eating and break the habit together. Believe me most people actually suffer from this to some degree so it won't be hard to find a partner and build up a support system for one another. The hardest part is the first couple of weeks because of the well-formed habit. After that it only gets easier.
There are plenty of self-help websites available where you can find lots of tips on how to break this nasty habit and cure stress eating altogether.
Stick to it and you'll feel younger, energetic, loose weight and generally have a feeling of well being and a good mood. Who wouldn't want that then?

Article Source:

The Truth About Luck and How To Get It

The Truth About Luck and How To Get It

By: Rasheed Ali

I spoke to a close friend today and he said something that greatly disturbed me. Okay it made me so upset I had to write this while thinking, "What the F@#K?!"

I was looking at a catalogue of upcoming seminars given by some VERY famous and successful people.
I called one of my best friends and asked him if he wanted to go. His answer, to say the least Pissed Me Off!
He said, "Oh, I'm not gonna' waste my money on that seminar, that guy just got lucky. Dude, some people just get lucky!" Well, why did he have to go and say that to ME of all people???

I said, "Listen Bro, I came from being a homeless runaway to pretty successful AND I'm marrying the girl of my dreams!" Am I lucky? Nope, I've earned everything I own and have. I'm no millionaire but I WILL be.
The person he didn't want to go see at the seminar is a VERY successful, famous, multi-millionaire entrepreneur. In addition to that the fee was pennies in comparison to the opportunity to meet and speak to this man. When I say pennies, I mean that people spend more on a pair of jeans!
So, what IS the truth about luck?

The truth is that luck is not a random event and it can be proven many different ways. Many very successful entrepreneurs may say that they were lucky but, they as well as I, know better.

What many call luck is really what I call a statistical occurrence that only happens after a specific action is taken. This action may not have been a calculated decision but it is an action towards a desired result.
I recently wrote about this in an article called How Thoughts Creates Matter that mentions how "Luck Like" things tend to happen when people take action towards a specific goal or objective.

Even Lottery winners are not lucky. They took a specific action in choosing or not choosing the numbers on their ticket and then purchasing it. Their prize is a statistical occurrence. Nothing more or nothing less.
The real truth of the matter is that most people get so caught up in their own distaste for their own "self determined" situation that they believe that there is some unanswerable reason for the success of others.
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson
To get "Lucky" here's what you should do.

Decide what you want, create a plan to get it and then DO IT!

Once you keep at it for a while success, Ahem, I mean Luck will occur. Not only that but Uhhh, Luck will begin to snowball in your favor!

Then and only then my friend, you will have the privilege of being called a "Lucky" person who "Just Got plain Lucky!"

10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use To Jump Start The Brain | @jimkwik @jimkwik

These 10 simple morning habits will jumpstart your brain for greater levels of success, focus, and productivity throughout your day.

First, you make your habits. Then, your habits make you.

In this video, expert brain coach, Jim Kwik, teaches you fool-proof ways to design your morning habits and start every day with excellence. From how to create strong neural connections and get more oxygen to your brain, to how to boost your brain power with gratitude and journaling, to how to move and eat for a super productive day, and so much more.

1. Remember your dreams 2. Make your bed 3. Drink Lots of water 4. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand 5. Deep breathing exercises 6. Brain tea 7. Journaling 8. Workout 9. Brain power smoothie 10. Daily reading

Saturday, 8 September 2018

10 Things To Do...Later

People love to procrastinate. Admit it, there are times when we would rather do almost anything than what needs to be done right now – but you might be surprised at the top ten things people tend to put off until tomorrow. Here are some of the most commonly procrastinated things:

1. Taking out the trash: nobody likes a smelly rubbish bin in the house, but taking that refuse outside to the curb or local dumpster is one of the most frequently put off household chores.

2. Taking out the dog: believe it or not, poor Spot may get the bad end of human procrastination. We all love our pets, but many people report waiting too long to take them for a walk. Sad!

3. Doing the dishes: yes, dishes – even when people have electric dishwashers – are set aside for a later time by many people.

4. Making the bed: Although some people have a set routine of making up the bed the moment the alarm goes off, a startling number of people just don’t get around to it. Many people end up not making up their beds – at all.

5. Writing: people who write stories, articles, or correspondence often go to extremes in order to avoid the inevitable—getting it done. For creative writers, it writer’s block could be the culprit, but what about all those thank-you notes after a wedding?

6. Filing up the car: a lot of younger people surveyed reported waiting longer than they ought to before adding petrol to their fuel tanks –resulting in several treks up and down the street to fill gas cans after the car runs out of gas.

7. Washing vegetables and fruit: many people return from the store with fresh produce, but rather than washing it as the package indicates, they toss it all right into the crisper tray for later. Just doing it to begin with might save time when cooking begins.

8. Completing research papers: college students are the world’s worst when it comes to getting writing assignments done. Many A and B papers are actually written in less than three hours’ time, with only two days left before they are due.

9. Mowing the lawn: Springtime is the most notorious season for putting off lawn-mowing. Home owners tend to want to wait until they are certain the weeds and grasses have come to stay before starting up the mowers for the years.

10. Packing: People packing for a move or even a trip tend to wait until the last minute to pull everything together – even though last minute surprises during a move or a trip are among the most frustrating known to mankind.

These are a few of the most commonly put off duties of day to day life. Hopefully, reading this article has inspired you to fight those tendencies when you encounter them next time – or perhaps you have thought of a few more things that might best be done now instead of put off for a later time.


Friday, 7 September 2018

Finding The Secret

Rev. Eleanor Richard

There is a vast secret that many have known throughout the ages. Thousands of us are awakening to discover it for ourselves. This powerful knowledge, when applied, is enough to transform our planet into the peace on earth we all say that we want. It even transforms my life--and yours, too.

It's simple. Too simple, some will say. Yet, in all its simplicity, it is difficult to comprehend intellectually, and far more difficult to BECOME this secret every day.

At first, as with any new idea, the automatic response is, "That's nonsense." As we begin to practice this secret we begin to hope it is so. This is followed by an attitude of "Let's see if it can be done." Then it IS done. "Why wasn't this done long ago" 

Here's the key concept, developed in my own words:

There is only one God--one Energy Field, one Great Spirit, Allah, Power for Good, in all creation. This Power is Love, which delights in individualizing Itself in many forms, the most diverse, the better. We can use this Power.My ongoing thoughts and attitudes produce my environment.

All ancient wisdoms taught that God is All There Is, in different words. In every religion, God, or Love, expresses Truth. In all religions, philosophies--yes, even science--this One offers Himself/Herself/Itself in different ways. There is no separation between all the religions! There can be no separation between races, nations and neighborhoods, for Energy, or God, does not separate, cannot divide. God creates by uniting.

As I realize this more each day, I continue to expand my circle of love to include more and more people and ideas, no matter how weird or destructive. "He closed his circle to keep me out, but I expand my circle to bring him in," is an old, true quote. We have an assignment, folks. We are here to create heaven on earth, wherever we are in our daily lives.

There is no separation. We are all made of "star stuff." We are all One. Why not give unity consciousness a chance and get about our business?

Does life just "happen to you"? It's easy to sit back and watch events unfold. If you don't exert your creative power in life, life will express randomly in your experience-the world of Victim Consciousness. You can make life happen on your terms, but you must make a commitment. "What? No, way," you say. "I came up here to escape commitments and the daily grind." Lots of people seem to believe that if they make a commitment, they will have to do something that they don't want to do, right? Not true!

Here's a better way of understanding commitment. Commitment is a way of choosing what you want to do and focusing your power to make it happen. It is one of the most effective techniques you can use in making your life happen on your terms.

I define commitment as the focusing of my personal power. And what is personal power? That amount of universal energy which I can access at any given moment.
You can access your personal power and create the world you want!

The Book The Secret here

Audio here